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View Full Version : Feedback - 1.19.1 Server/1.19.0 Client

02-27-2006, 04:58 PM
Thanks again for an awesome solution. I installed the 1.19.1 server without issue. I've been running it for a few hours in multiple zones and it seems stable. I am not sure if it's designed for this, but if the toons target is empty, the client doesn't update to clear, it keeps the last known target in the target display. Maybe that's a client thing, or maybe that's how it's supposed to work. :cool:

Thanks again!!

02-27-2006, 06:14 PM
Thanks, yes that is working as designed. The target info only gets updated when a new, valid target is acquired. If you click on an item in the list it will also update the target info, which will stay there until either another spawn is selected in the list, or a new target is selected in-game.

Thanks for the feedback.

I'd like to spread the word more to folks still waiting on the commercial version, but everytime I try and post a note, the admins delete it within 15 minutes. Maybe if everyone posted they would have a hard time cleaning up and maybe the word would get through. I think we are over 500 users now, so that is good. I'd like to see it over 1000.