View Full Version : Want to try a new Linux distro

05-17-2006, 05:40 PM
I'm currently using FC3 but I want to try something different. Can anyone recommend a different distro? Preferably one that is most compatible with ShowEQ "out of the box" -- much like FC3 was.


05-17-2006, 05:58 PM
I use gentoo and keep up to date on stable x86, so I don't think you can get any more out of the box than that, since I won't release something that doesn't work for me!

There are some patches pending the next release that will probably make FC5 work out of the box. I'm not planning on releasing before the next major patch, though.

05-17-2006, 06:10 PM
I run Debian sid, but make packages for etch and sarge that will work out of the box as well. With a little compiler work, you can get ubuntu packages from my debian packages.

Which if you are thinking gentoo won't scare you at all :-P

05-17-2006, 07:12 PM
Thanks for your replies. I'll probably give gentoo a try :)

One thing though: I'd like to back up my current ShowEQ settings so that I don't have to reset everything when I reinstall it. What file(s) should I be saving?

05-17-2006, 07:25 PM
Oh, and there a zip file anywhere of the current maps?

05-17-2006, 08:03 PM
The maps situation is kinda crappy right now. You kinda have to do it yourself or convert what Tanner maintains from a deb into something useful.

I'm not willing to deal with keeping the maps up to date on sourceforge because of licensing headaches. Mapfiend maps aren't really licensed in any way. I'm willing to look the other way in personal use, but I don't want to maintain pilfered maps on sourceforge when it is distinctly possible the author of a map detests the idea of it being used by ShowEQ.

At some point I want to make it so that seq just loads the stupid SoE maps automatically, but I haven't had the motivation to do it.

Personally, I just convert/recolor/etc. mapfiend maps as I zone into new zones and save them off in ~/.showeq/maps. If you want to maintain settings and such, just save your ~/.showeq directory. You may want to delete out log files and dumps if you've done any first so it is smaller. You can also safely delete the ~/.showeq/tmp directory. It'll just get remade for you.

Mostly you want to make sure to keep showeq.xml and the maps and spawnpoints directory.

05-17-2006, 08:16 PM
Cool. Thanks a bunch!