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View Full Version : 'Commercial MySEQ' vs 'Open MySEQ'

09-22-2006, 02:04 PM
When MrDoh and the rest first took it over, they were doing a good thing. They were good with the sharing of the code, helped the userbase without their current attitudes, etc.

But as time went on, they started a donations section, then started locking down the code access, then the madness really started. They stopped supporting the userbase in general and only supported the donators, ie "Friends of MYSEQ". If you didn't donate, then you had to just to get support. They added functionality that really started eating up the processing. Then the code lockdown came, and ONLY donators were given updates. That takes it from opensource to a commercial product, no matter which way you want to word it. Call it donations, or call it a fee, it is still now a commercial product. Around that time, I got tired of their snide comments to the non-paying userbase in general, and gave up hope on them realizing what they were actually doing, and changing their ways.

On a whim, I checked out showeq to see how things were progressing and lo and behold, Seaxouri, had started up the old myseq, got it up and running, and is more than willing to share his knowledge! I am very greatful to him for this! I think where MrDoh and Tiger got things muddled was that they started caring less for the people and more for the money (I think of Microsoft when I think of them).

I hope that I can learn as much as I can from Seaxouri and the others here so that I can help keep the Open Source MySEQ the best out there (which it is) and keep it open source so that others like me can learn and assist Seaxouri and the rest whenever they may need us!

NOTE: The commercial version is STILL BROKE, but this version is up and running!!!!!!

"Spread the word! Open Source MySEQ ROCKS!!!!"

09-22-2006, 07:33 PM
Actually MrDoh violated the GPL by making it closed source. His reponse to this was to ban, flame and threaten anyone who complained.

Even though I don't use it, I am glad that the project is carrying on and is FREE!

09-23-2006, 05:32 AM
I am so glad that Seaxouri, decide to take up the reigns. I dont know what happened but that other group got completely out of hand. Created a piece of bloatware that rivals Microsoft. Then decided that wanted people to pay for a product that they dont want to support. I decided they were stupid and went to check on doing the linux version again when I saw bling Seaxouri is making it go. I even tried to find offsets once (it turned out to be kind of fun) because there was information on how to do it, that was understandable and really explained the processes.

Rock ON !!! the real Myseq

10-02-2006, 10:08 PM
I was one of the folks who was an early adopter of MySEQ. I used ShowEQ for awhile but when the Windows version came out, I made the switch. Those early days were challenging while MySEQ matured but I and so many others remained patient. I remember when the "commercial" version moved to its new (current) home, it was not bad for awhile, quite a bit of support for everyone, but over time, the quality of that version has definitely slipped...as to the bloated code...that is an understatement it's down right obese!!

Anyway, I can't even remember when I posted last or visited these boards but I wanted to "come home" to my SEQ roots and was really excited to see the work being done by Seaxouri. Thank you Seaxouri, and SyberWired your post is 100% on target.