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View Full Version : errors??

09-26-2006, 08:34 AM
Hello all,

Pretty much a Linux noob but I'm trying to learn as fast as i can.
I have had showeq up and running for quite some time with out much of a problem.
I recently applied the diff patch, it appeared to apply correctly, ran ./configure, make and Make install with out any problems.

I run showeq and it starts, and see's the client without a problem
I then get these warnings/errors listed below

I have reinstalled from the ground up built it on different distr, on other machines and always i get the same warnings/errors.
I would wait for the new release but am guessing i will still have this issue even after the release.

If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated


Zone: EntryCode: Client
Warning: OP_PlayerProfile (0x4057) (dataLen: 21328) doesn't match: sizeof(charP
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: OP_ZoneEntry (0x7772) (dataLen: 900) doesn't match: sizeof(ServerZoneE
Warning: OP_ZoneSpawns (0x35c0) (dataLen: 90000) doesn't match: modulus of size
Warning: OP_ZoneSpawns (0x35c0) (dataLen: 90000) doesn't match: modulus of size
Warning: OP_ZoneSpawns (0x35c0) (dataLen: 90000) doesn't match: modulus of size
Warning: OP_ZoneSpawns (0x35c0) (dataLen: 40500) doesn't match: modulus of size
Time: Mon Mar 27,3228 - 07:04 pm
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: OP_NewSpawn (0x6f3b) (dataLen: 900) doesn't match: sizeof(spawnStruct)
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: EQPacket: Unhandled net opcode 0000, stream zone-client, size 76
Warning: OP_NewSpawn (0x6f3b) (dataLen: 900) doesn't match: sizeof(spawnStruct)
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: OP_NewSpawn (0x6f3b) (dataLen: 900) doesn't match: sizeof(spawnStruct)
Warning: EQPacket: Unhandled net opcode 0000, stream zone-client, size 20
Warning: OP_ClientUpdate (0x178a) (dataLen: 26) doesn't match: sizeof(playerSpa
wnPosStruct):22 sizeof(playerSelfPosStruct):40
Warning: OP_NewZone (0x4a1a) (dataLen: 836) doesn't match: sizeof(newZoneStruct
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate
Warning: OP_WearChange (0x4195) (dataLen: 19) doesn't match: sizeof(SpawnUpdate

09-26-2006, 11:09 AM
No, those all look like the sort of thing I'd expect when not all opcodes are correct. They're just warnings. While the patch in the dev area implements basic functionality, it isn't a release, and the reason is because it doesn't have everything we like to have done for a normal release. Getting things back in order after an expansion often takes a bit, because lots of things tend to change.

Is seq actually working for you when it's giving those errors? If it is, just ignore them til the release is out. If not, then you probably didn't get the patch applied properly, or you're not running your newly compiled version (ie, you compiled the new one but you're still running the old version)

09-26-2006, 02:49 PM
there were two diffs posted, one that did most of the logic changes, and one I posted that did minor data updates to weapons*.h files. Sounds like you may have applied only mine, and not all of the orininally posted one, or you didn't get all of the updates applied correctly.

09-27-2006, 07:17 AM
Thanks for the info. Will triple check my steps and wait if need be