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View Full Version : 100% CPU Usage

09-28-2006, 09:46 AM
Is MySEQ meant to use 100 percent of my cpu? Or is it just a bug, if so is there any way to fix that?

10-01-2006, 09:15 PM
If you check the Client Release Notes there is some info regarding CPU usage. If you have a lower end computer then it is possible to approach 100% CPU utilization. However there are several options which greatly reduce this.

Increasing the time between updates, using Force Black, or renaming the filters subfolder are all good quick hacks to reduce CPU usage.

Also, if the client is running on a slower machine, and you do not care to use filters, try renaming the filters folder to filters.keep. This will speed up the snappiness of the client, but at the cost of losing the nice filter feature.