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03-17-2007, 07:27 AM
I just wanted to say thanks for picking up the reigns. I wasn't very happy with what went on with myseq, mr. doh and the rest had nothing to do with the original myseq created by cavemanbob and then picked up by myseq (the user).

Yet there they were claiming others work as their own. I had no issues donating when that's what it was a donation. Then they went from donations to demanding payment.

They just got it running today. When you start it up it opens a new webpage for you to read. Is it filled with information on a new release? The announcement of a finally public version? No.

It's more whining about money. About how someone took their open source program and gave it to someone else.

I'm sick of listening to it. I'm sick of the way they post belittling the people that use the program. I'm sick of listening to them whine about how little time they have to work on it because on this and that and the other. Which in the end is just more of them whining for more moeny.

Now they've even started creating bogus accounts to post with. Pretending to be donators and supporting ideas like killing support for all current donators and forcing new donations.

Thanks for doing this. Thanks for giving us an arena where we aren't treated like bad children. A place where we don't have to listen to the threats and whines of people who had no hand in the creation of myseq.

03-17-2007, 11:52 AM
I would say you're welcome, but I have nothing to do with what goes on here, I'm just your average Joe User. I will; however, concur with you remarks about that other brand of My$EQ.

They are very hostile these days and I pity their users who do not seem to know any better.

03-17-2007, 02:11 PM
Heh, I was pissed at them because they used my filters, stripped out all the information of who did them and where they came from and then claimed he did it himself. He said I was the thief. I showed that every filter was exactly the same as mine including spelling errors and that my file dates were older than his. He banned my account, removed some of my posts to make me look bad and then started a major flame fest against me.

I believe that several other people from here have gotten their accounts banned on there.

The filters are now GPLed after I took down my site.

03-17-2007, 09:40 PM
They just got it running today? I wonder if they came here to view the offsets we already found the day of the patch. I would not put it past them. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

My anger towards them has dwindled considerably over the last 2 years. I have been using this version and been quite happy with it.

As Ive said before, the best thing you can do for MySEQ is to spread the word. The more users we have, the more chance of having additional development. The more development we have, the longer the product will live. The longer it lives, the longer you don't have to pay for it. So its actually in everyones best interest to gather the masses.

When it comes time for me to lay down my EQ hat, I will probably leave this project. It would be nice to know that there are others there behind me, or along side me, to pick it up. I've carried it alone for about 2 years now (not that I'm complaining, because they have been a fun 2 years).

04-02-2007, 06:24 PM
Just a note on this - having recently having gone through it myself...

I admit I was one of those people who had heard about the program, but I didn't know about this website - I only knew about theirs. Not being one to just jump into things - I started asking questions; all my questions were answered and everything seemed ok. At that point, I figured - sure why the hell not, I'll donate some money to help it along and if I find it useful - maybe I'll donate more. That's when everything started going wrong.

I donated through paypal - got my confirmation email etc etc - but no information. I emailed directly to the address they told me to after having spoken with them in chat. They claimed that for some reason email from some domains gets bounced sometimes - being a tech rep it's believable; so I sent the info from several different domains - yahoo, hotmail, gmail; several days later - still no info on where to get my files - but yet they have my money.

So - I hop back into the chatroom they're hosting and start asking a lot of questions, and I get handed some half concocted story about issues with the server that hosts the files. They claimed they didn't get any of my emails. What they're claiming is supposed to happen, is that the server somehow generates a URL that's valid to allow you to download the files off that link just once - which is sent to your email address once verification of a "donation" has been made; but for some reason the server is no longer generating those links, nor is it responding to email.

I'm like fine; I give them the paypal verification numbers and the account info that's registered on their website - I'm like just credit my account to give me access to what you need to; and send me a zip file to one of my email accounts. They're like - well - we don't have any zip files; we don't have access to the files right now - they're actually all on a server (that hosts for us) and we don't have access to them cause the server is acting up...

Anyone else think something smells like a load of manure?

Anyhow.. I'm like ok - how long you figure the server is going to be offline? Again - big smoke screen goes up and no solid answers were given to most of my questions. I'm like - I'm willing to give it a few days - and if it looks like it's going to be down for a while, just refund me - no big deal. So - I give it a few days - and every day I'm in their chat channel asking for updates to what's going on.

Eventually what came of it all.. they refunded my "donation" to shut me up because I was asking too many questions and stirring the pot.

I started looking around and doing a lot of searching and I found out about ShowEQ. I figured worst case scenario - I'll learn enough about Linux to get it configured and set up - and I discover that there's a windows version posted here as well.

It's a crying shame that I didn't just find out about this website in the first place - it would have saved me a lot of wasted time and grief..

The short of it - the other site sounds and appears to be nothing more than a scam. Last I checked - donations were exactly that - a DONATION. It's no longer a donation when you demand to get it first - before you get access the to files. And it's a good thing they did refund my "donation" - or I'd have turned them into paypal for non delivery of goods (IE - the digital download I was never given to a product that they're claiming they're developing).

If that wasn't enough to make you wonder - the story I was given about the files (when I asked about being emailed a zip file) makes it sound as though they're actually taking old copies of software (most likely from here); reverse engineering it; and then loading in a hodge podge of patches - just to get it to work the little bit it does. From asking around discreetly - it has become my understanding that most of the functions in their program don't work; they're laying claims that it's because the software is in "beta", but from their own website - it looks like it's been in "beta" for 2 years?

Sounds really damn fishy to me....

04-03-2007, 07:27 AM
Yeah. Their a bit on the shady side.

I wrote up a history sticky in one of these forums a year or two ago when it was a lot more fresh in my mind. Feel free to read that. It is 100% accurate.

Their tool started life here at this site. Their code started life here, from this code. They paint it how they like, they stole it, and they know it. End of story.

Noone wants to put any money into sueing their asses. I am sure they have made over $10,000 by now. Once I counted their number of donators and it was like 30 or 60 pages of 25 or 50. I don't recall which. At least 600 donators and that was years ago.

The only way for them to die is to have everyone switch back. It will probably never happen. They delete any post I make within 15 minutes that indicates we exist. We slowly climb to the top of the Google tree, so that helps.

Limited users is both a blessing and a curse. Once upon a time, after reading some SEQ history, Sony put a lot more effort into thwarting these tools. I think as long as the usercount remains reasonable and the tool not abused, maybe they won't sick their dogs on us.

In any case, I enjoy it for me. I use it a lot for finding lost corpses when they get tossed halfway into a zone, or get stuck inside a wall and noone can see it. I use it to see when mobs are warping. I use it to see mobs stuck under the world. I use it to see who has fallen asleep on late nite raids so I can send them a vtell. I use it for many reasons that I feel are legit, and only a few that I know are not, like finding the safest path thru a new zone.

04-03-2007, 03:26 PM
That's pretty much what happened after my "donations" were refunded.. all traces of my account that I've had registered there for over a year, mysteriously vanish - highly shady if you ask me.

Anyhow - I've been spreading the word to a few select friends I know I can trust and whom I know won't get stupid with it. So far, everyone's been very pleased with the level/quality of what's been released here.

Again as I have stated - it's just a crying shame I didn't find out about this site earlier!!!

Keep up the good work - and I'll do my best to help out however I can.

04-14-2007, 11:24 PM
Seaxouri, you rock! Thank you.

I made the journey from SEQ (Linux), to MySEQ, to My$EQ and about a year ago, returned to MySEQ...nope...not headed all the way back to SEQ because I threw away my hub...yea I know I could probably buy one on eBay for about $1. I'm just glad to see the spirit of SEQ and MySEQ via Open Source is alive and well.

04-21-2007, 09:46 PM
Couple things...

First, things over at My$seq (I think we should change the open-source version name to OSeq by the way.. just to clearly distinguish the two) are spiralling downward and will eventually crash and burn. The guys over there don't understand the most basic tenet of capitalism: If you don't provide service in return for remuneration, you will go out of business.

I'm not convinced that there was any concious intent to defraud anyone, at least not at first. What happened is very simple. They branched a version of an open-source project, made it closed, and as a result became the sole supporters of it -- and as a result acquired all the customer support and maintenance consequences of that act. They can't support the user community because their support-model is sole-source.

I got tired of waiting for postings of new displacements after upgrades (it takes them weeks sometimes), came over here, and was simply amazed -- not just at the quality of the code (would you believe they still dont have spawn point timers working after six months), but by how simple it is to install. Download, extract, RUN!

No comparison. Ive come home.
