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View Full Version : Guild Tag

03-21-2007, 10:20 AM
Did some searching and I don't see anything posted on the Guild Tag column in the spawn list. Guild tags aren't showing up for me. Did I miss something or are they not working atm?

03-21-2007, 10:36 AM
I bet the opcodes changed for world and I forgot to redo them. I'll check tonight, but I bet that's what it is. It works ok for me, but I have the old guilds dat still.

If anyone is curious, to find this, just turn on Network->Logging->World Log and log in. then open up ~/.showeq/logs/world.log and look for the packet that has all the guild names in it (it is huge so it will be obvious). The opcode for that packet is what needs to be set in worldopcodes.xml for the OP_GuildList.

03-22-2007, 03:39 PM
Actually, I've noticed that Anonymous players are showing as *GM* in the Players list.

03-22-2007, 06:38 PM
That's already been reported. Since there are never gms in the game anymore it's hard to get that flag set right, but to compile it has to be somewhere. It just so happened I left it where anonymous belongs! Just ignore it.

I'll probably release again this weekend with guilds.dat generation, OP_DeleteSpawn, and that gm flag moves.

03-23-2007, 04:47 PM
OP_DeleteSpawn = 15da
OP_GuildList = 04fb

03-24-2007, 11:16 AM
Do I need to recompile after I change the codes? I've changed them both but it hasn't made a difference. Reboot? or Recompile?

Sorry for the newb quetion but I suffer from CRS. Can't Remember Shit.


03-24-2007, 12:57 PM
No. Just change the xml file in /usr/local/share/showeq/worldopcodes.xml (or zoneopcodes.xml) and then restart ShowEQ. For world, you need to log all the way out to server select to get OP_GuildList again.