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04-23-2007, 06:04 PM
no not me, for who ever is...anything you need from the community except more time? Some coffee, pizza, foot massage?

no I'm not offering, just making nice.....

04-24-2007, 03:39 AM
From what I understand from the macroquest folks is the packet stuctures have been changed somehow to deal with the people who were spoofing the eq servers.

I expect that figuring out the new structs or encryption is being quite the headache.

Note I'm not a dev so I don't really know whos doing what.

04-24-2007, 10:26 AM
This would be a good time to go play with the MySEQ version. i keep both versions up for just such occasions. While I mostly use SEQ, MySEQ fills the voids nicely when the network structure changes.

04-24-2007, 07:14 PM
I think I might just fool around with MySEQ. Now, that runs on the same machine as EQ, right? Just refreshing my memory, I've always been a bit cautious if it wasn't a passive packet sniffer, I guess I'm a bit paranoid.

I am going through withdrawl though, so yeah, I'm gonna check it out. Thanks!

04-27-2007, 10:34 AM
How'd it go? Get banned yet?

04-27-2007, 12:29 PM
How'd it go? Get banned yet?

hehehe..Sony makes a big change to knock Seq out for a bit, bunch of people switch and start using MySeq, Sony then starts scanning processes again, gets a list of those using MySeq (with the added influx of the starving Seq users) and mass bannings ensue...

I wouldn't doubt this for one minute...It's A Trap!


04-27-2007, 01:13 PM
I don't imagine this change had much to do with Seq. If anything it was collateral damage. The change was aimed at exploits that work by hand creating packets.

Compared to some of the things you can do to the EQ client without server oversight, both ShowEQ and MySeq are pretty small fries. Don't try to scare people. Everyone needs to decide their own level of comfort with what they are doing, of course. You use any of these things at your own peril. If they were process scanning again, you'd hear about it pretty quickly.

Of all these tools, ShowEQ is the safest since it is on a wholly different computer. But ShowEQ is broken right now. You need to decide for yourself if you can accept the risk (however minimal) of running MySeq or some other tool.

04-27-2007, 10:51 PM
Don't try to scare people.

Definitely not my intention to try and scare anyone....Hope everyone noticed the smiley at the end of my post, along with the Akabar comment.. :)

04-28-2007, 12:33 AM
No, not banned yet :)

I am really glad that MySEQ is available, but really can't wait til SEQ is up and working again. Since I really can't help in the development of it, I won't even think of complaining and will wait patiently for the people that volunteer their time.
I'm happy to have been able to use SEQ all these years, if some big changes came around and broke it for good, I'd probably use MySEQ until I heard they were scanning processes, or something.

By the way, it's not said enough, but I want to thank EVERYBODY past and present who has helped SEQ all these years. It's really kept my interest in the game and without it, I feel blind.

Whizzie Wiz
04-28-2007, 01:19 AM
without it, I feel blind.

Heh, I know exactly what you mean. :)

Still, I'll wait for SEQ to be working again, and if I had a clue how to help this time, I would -- but packet structure changes are a bit beyond me.

04-28-2007, 07:23 AM
I want to say thank you as well. I've been SEQ'n for years and have never minded the wait. It's weird having a blank monitor by me and I can't stop reaching for that Linux mouse!

Thank you guys. I've been reading the How to thread but I don't speak Greek just yet. One day I'd like to contribute and help but like it's been stated, it's just beyond my skills.

If SEQ were to break, SOE would be losing tons of my money. But heh, I may have a social life then!