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View Full Version : Solo AA XP nerf?

02-25-2002, 04:50 PM
Can anyone who was watching XP closely before the patch shed any light on the latest AA nerf?

I can compare it visually but it is somewhat subjective. It would be helpful to know some numbers if anyone has them? EG 10-11 (of 330) ticks per quad before but now 7-8 per quad or something like that.

Thanks very much in advance!:)


02-25-2002, 06:06 PM
Nerf? I beg to differ... I get more alt-xp now then I did before. :p

02-25-2002, 07:52 PM
AA xp = 1 level of 51 for a Human warrior I believe.
No changes. Its not like they modify the xp at all

If you kill a level 40 mob in a normal zone you get
132,000 xp
If you put 100% to AA then you get 132,000 xp
towards the 21,578,850 xp you need or about 1/163
of the xp...which should amount to about 2 blue pixels

This is of course solo.


02-25-2002, 09:31 PM
Solo AA exp has been nerfed by about 25% ... I'm not sure about regular exp, I assume it's the same.

You need 15,000,000 per AA point.

02-26-2002, 01:16 AM
Sounds like the servers were accidentally applying the exp penalty adjustment to AA and now they fixed it. I wonder if Rogues or Warriors (mod .9) were seeing this extra exp when soloing and dumping all of it into AA.

Just my guess since I don't have any characters even close to 51 that could be using AA.

02-26-2002, 11:17 AM
Thanks Ratt! That was exactly what I was trying to find out:)

So.. solo AA xp has been nerfed 25%. 15M now so I assume 12M before.

You suspect that regular XP has as well? Ack!

What about grouped AA xp? Was that nerfed as well? Or can we avoid the penalty by grouping? IE is it still 12M so long as you are grouped? Or was it an across the board nerf to 15M for everyone grouped or not? Did they flat out lied in their patch msg?


02-26-2002, 11:53 AM
if you read the patch message, it said something like...

an error was causing MORE exp to goto AA when solo, and LESS exp to goto AA when grouped (100% aa setting). so NOW there should be LESS aa from solo (as intended) and more from group (as intended).

02-26-2002, 12:31 PM
Ratts post does not sound like that at all. And I really don't care about what is intended. I want to know what _is_.


02-26-2002, 02:32 PM
What I meant by that was, the exp you get from mobs is about 25% less than before with solo experience.

If you were getting 100,000 exp off a mob before, you'll get 75,000 now.

It's still 15,000,000 AA exp per AA point.

02-26-2002, 03:05 PM
So then if you are grouped do you still get 100% of xp earned?

Is it known whether the nerf was only a soloer nerf to AA xp, or a soloer nerf to all xp?

Or a nerf to all AA xp, grouped or solo?


02-26-2002, 09:56 PM
So 1 AA point doesn't = 1 level of 51? Oooh new info for me thanks.

Not that it changes much really.