View Full Version : version crash

11-08-2007, 09:57 AM
just compiled after i load and than zone. Program stays up for a second than crashes. I have removed firewall & AVG from soarce (eq) computer . I tried zoning off of mount. Tried different toons, rebooted both computers. It is a random crash but 95% it will crash when i zone into a zone from boot up. Any suggestions? Sorry about posting on news. is there a way to delete or edit?

11-08-2007, 11:50 AM
I have not experienced any crashes as of yet. Then again, I havent been around any dark elves as you said might be the cause.

11-08-2007, 04:10 PM
I have a dark elf necro (female) that use to test with. No crashes for me.

11-09-2007, 10:20 AM
I am still having problems (Please Help). SEQ still crashes when zoning. I have reloaded SEQ . I have loaded the maps from Mapfiend and put into root/.showeq/maps file (could this of been problem?) I have combined some of the maps to the one folder (could this of been problem?) I load SEQ, than load EQ on soarce computer, SEQ shows on screen safe spot and toons circle. If I load map for zone i am okay and program stays up (example Bazaar toon) and skittles pop as they come into game....if i zone. Screen will show map and when it starts to show NPC and I am starting to pop up on soace computer it crashes. Is anyone having this problem also? Anyone had this problem on old version and knows of a solution? please HELP. going through SOE withdrawls...specially now...<cry>

11-09-2007, 04:22 PM
Since it seems you're the only one having the problem, I'd made sure that you download a fresh install from the sourceforge web site in the news article, delete the old directory that you've worked with and let the tarball re-create everything.

You'll then have to do all compile commands over again:

./configure && make && make install

See if that helps.

11-09-2007, 04:34 PM
I have had a handful of crashes myself. What I discovered is that the new packet decoding (or something) pushes the box SEQ is running on a little harder then it used to and my box can't quite keep up anymore. (I am running SEQ on a crappy box.) Note that since SEQ has been down awhile, there have been other changes to my box in terms of my OS (now running Ubuntu) and my network (for various switching reasons I need to have a separate "sniffing" NIC on my machine now), so the new work that SEQ packet decoding is doing may only be a contributing factor, not the entire source of my problem.

Anyway the point of all this is to make sure your machine and configuration can keep up with the incoming packets. If it can't and the pcap libraries drop packets before SEQ can get to them, SEQ can become confused and crash.

(I am currently building a new, less crappy (tm) machine and hope to have stable skittles again soon.)


11-09-2007, 04:57 PM
Anyway the point of all this is to make sure your machine and configuration can keep up with the incoming packets. If it can't and the pcap libraries drop packets before SEQ can get to them, SEQ can become confused and crash.

Bonkersbobcat is correct. If the machine is missing packets due to network lag, high cpu or another reason, it probably would cause SEQ to bomb. There are some network adjustments you can do in SEQ to see if they help.

11-09-2007, 08:45 PM
See this -- it's not a change to SEQ, but your box itself. See if that helps any:


11-09-2007, 10:53 PM
This makes sence...True I have a crapy box and monitor because it was just for EQ and nothing else...will look into upgrades but thanks.. I am using a Pentium 3.. but real old..
Thanks again...and soon as I have some extra cash...watch for incoming donations...great work

11-09-2007, 11:56 PM
SEQ doesn't need a powerful machine to run well. I used to run it on a Pentium 1. It just needs to be able to handle the network traffic fast enough to do things.

I built a pretty powerful machine about 3 years back mainly for faster compiling (10-20 min vs. 3-4 hours). It does run better too, but it ran just fine on the 133 mhz machine.