View Full Version : Docking Maps

02-26-2002, 08:22 PM

Long time reader, first time poster.


I am trying to figure out how to change the layout of the maps in the docked view. What I would like to get is my lists down the left and the right side split up into several maps. That part is easy I know, but I'm trying to get one map above two others... lets see how the text might layout here in html...

T M . M

Basically, I'm trying to lay it out with a large overhead map on top, a smaller zoomed in map on myself below, and a second zoomed in map on whatever i choose also below but next to first zoomed in one.

T 111
T 111
T 2&3

Maybe that made sense to someone. Can we save the default zoom on maps two and three? Haven't tried that yet either.

So, can we put maps underneath each other docked? Perhaps this is more along the lines of a feature request, I'm not sure if this functionality exists already. My searches in this forum for maps (map too short) and docked didn't pull up any relevant information.

Ideally, it would be awesome to be able to drag certain elements around the window in the docking order. But I'll take what I can get.

Oh, and for all of you programmers that have done this wonderful project... /humble. An unbelievable job!