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View Full Version : EQ Patch 12.03.

03-13-2009, 04:40 AM
After yesterdays patch, seq aborts after login:

Zone: EntryCode: Client
Warning: OP_PlayerProfile (0x6022) (dataLen: 23496) doesn't match: sizeof(charProfileStruct):23488
Segmentation fault

i searched the board and found something about offsets that change after a patch, but they are for MySEQ, is there something similar for SEQ?

03-13-2009, 08:59 AM
If things change in the packets, it usually takes a couple of days or longer to fix. That is the price of having an undetectable client vs one that pulls from memory.

A big thanks goes to past, present and future devs of Showeq for keeping it running for so long.

03-13-2009, 10:06 AM
thanks for the reply. and yes i'm very thankful for having seq. i didn't want to push anyone around. just thought i missed something that i have to do after a patch.

03-13-2009, 02:35 PM
If I can't get to it tonight, this weekend for sure.

03-13-2009, 06:22 PM
For struct charProfileStruct change the last 2 lines

/*22456*/ uint8_t unknown22456[1032]; // ***Placeholder (2/13/2007)
/*22456*/ uint8_t unknown22456[1040]; // ***Placeholder (2/13/2007)
gets you skittles.

Not seeing any other errors in the guild lobby.

Good luck

03-13-2009, 09:20 PM
For struct charProfileStruct change the last 2 lines

/*22456*/ uint8_t unknown22456[1032]; // ***Placeholder (2/13/2007)
/*22456*/ uint8_t unknown22456[1040]; // ***Placeholder (2/13/2007)
gets you skittles.

Not seeing any other errors in the guild lobby.

Good luck

I made said changes in everquest.h and make/install... skittles. Thanks!!

So far so good in Steam Factory - even while it spams INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC and other opcode erros in the background. We'll see how long it goes before it crashes. In the meantime.. fun! It's not like I SEQ for anything but skittles!

EDIT: And as an old school lurker... another thanks to you folks that keep this beast alive after so many years. I'm still dumbshocked SOE hasn't added mobs to their maps yet just to keep business alive for us folks who ONLY play when SEQ is running.

EDIT AFTER A BIT: Corpses still hanging around like last time.

03-14-2009, 05:54 PM
Correct playerProfile and charProfile.

* Player Profile. Common part of charProfileStruct shared between
* shrouding and zoning profiles.
* NOTE: Offsets are kept in here relative to OP_PlayerProfile to ease in
* diagnosing changes in that struct.
struct playerProfileStruct
/*00004*/ uint32_t gender; // Player Gender - 0 Male, 1 Female
/*00008*/ uint32_t race; // Player race
/*00012*/ uint32_t class_; // Player class
/*00016*/ uint8_t unknown00016[40]; // ***Placeholder
/*00056*/ uint8_t level; // Level of player
/*00057*/ uint8_t level1; // Level of player (again?)
/*00058*/ uint8_t unknown00058[2]; // ***Placeholder
/*00060*/ BindStruct binds[5]; // Bind points (primary is first)
/*00160*/ uint32_t deity; // deity
/*00164*/ uint32_t intoxication; // Alcohol level (in ticks till sober?)
/*00168*/ uint32_t spellSlotRefresh[MAX_SPELL_SLOTS]; // Refresh time (millis)
/*00208*/ uint8_t unknown0208[4];
/*00212*/ uint8_t haircolor; // Player hair color
/*00213*/ uint8_t beardcolor; // Player beard color
/*00214*/ uint8_t unknown00214[6];
/*00220*/ uint8_t eyecolor1; // Player left eye color
/*00221*/ uint8_t eyecolor2; // Player right eye color
/*00222*/ uint8_t hairstyle; // Player hair style
/*00223*/ uint8_t beard; // Player beard type
/*00224*/ uint8_t unknown00218[12];
/*00236*/ uint32_t item_material[9]; // Item texture/material of worn items
/*00272*/ uint8_t unknown00272[232];
/*00504*/ Color_Struct item_tint[9]; // RR GG BB 00
/*00540*/ AA_Array aa_array[MAX_AA]; // AAs
/*03412*/ uint8_t unknown03400[728]; // ***** this may be wrong or aa_array might be wrong (10/21/07)
/*04140*/ uint32_t points; // Unspent Practice points
/*04144*/ uint32_t MANA; // Current MANA
/*04148*/ uint32_t curHp; // Current HP without +HP equipment
/*04152*/ uint32_t STR; // Strength
/*04156*/ uint32_t STA; // Stamina
/*04160*/ uint32_t CHA; // Charisma
/*04164*/ uint32_t DEX; // Dexterity
/*04168*/ uint32_t INT; // Intelligence
/*04172*/ uint32_t AGI; // Agility
/*04176*/ uint32_t WIS; // Wisdom
/*04180*/ uint8_t face; // Player face
/*04181*/ uint8_t unknown04181[175];
/*04356*/ int32_t sSpellBook[400]; // List of the Spells in spellbook
/*05956*/ uint8_t unknown5956[448]; // all 0xff after last spell
/*06404*/ int32_t sMemSpells[MAX_SPELL_SLOTS]; // List of spells memorized
/*06444*/ uint8_t unknown06444[28];
/*06472*/ uint32_t platinum; // Platinum Pieces on player
/*06476*/ uint32_t gold; // Gold Pieces on player
/*06480*/ uint32_t silver; // Silver Pieces on player
/*06484*/ uint32_t copper; // Copper Pieces on player
/*06488*/ uint32_t platinum_cursor; // Platinum Pieces on cursor
/*06492*/ uint32_t gold_cursor; // Gold Pieces on cursor
/*06496*/ uint32_t silver_cursor; // Silver Pieces on cursor
/*06500*/ uint32_t copper_cursor; // Copper Pieces on cursor
/*06504*/ uint32_t skills[MAX_KNOWN_SKILLS]; // List of skills
/*06804*/ uint8_t unknown06804[236];
/*07040*/ uint32_t toxicity; // Potion Toxicity (15=too toxic, each potion adds 3)
/*07044*/ uint32_t thirst; // Drink (ticks till next drink)
/*07048*/ uint32_t hunger; // Food (ticks till next eat)
/*07052*/ spellBuff buffs[MAX_BUFFS]; // Buffs currently on the player
/*07652*/ uint32_t disciplines[MAX_DISCIPLINES]; // Known disciplines
/*08052*/ uint8_t unknown08052[160];
/*08212*/ uint32_t recastTimers[MAX_RECAST_TYPES]; // Timers (GMT of last use)
/*08292*/ uint32_t endurance; // Current endurance
/*08296*/ uint32_t aa_spent; // Number of spent AA points
/*08300*/ uint32_t aa_unspent; // Unspent AA points
/*08304*/ uint8_t unknown08304[4];
/*08308*/ BandolierStruct bandoliers[MAX_BANDOLIERS]; // bandolier contents
/*14708*/ InlineItem potionBelt[MAX_POTIONS_IN_BELT]; // potion belt
/*15068*/ uint8_t unknown15068[92];

** Player Profile
** Length: 23496 Octets
** OpCode: CharProfileCode
struct charProfileStruct
/*00000*/ uint32_t checksum; //
/*00004*/ playerProfileStruct profile; // Profile
/*15160*/ char name[64]; // Name of player
/*15224*/ char lastName[32]; // Last name of player
/*15256*/ uint8_t unknown15256[12]; //***Placeholder (1/18/2006)
/*15268*/ int32_t guildID; // guildID
/*15272*/ uint32_t birthdayTime; // character birthday
/*15276*/ uint32_t lastSaveTime; // character last save time
/*15280*/ uint32_t timePlayedMin; // time character played
/*15284*/ uint8_t unknown15284[4];
/*15288*/ uint8_t pvp; // 1=pvp, 0=not pvp
/*15289*/ uint8_t anon; // 2=roleplay, 1=anon, 0=not anon
/*15290*/ uint8_t gm; // 0=no, 1=yes (guessing!)
/*15291*/ int8_t guildstatus; // 0=member, 1=officer, 2=guildleader
/*15292*/ uint8_t unknown15292[8];
/*15300*/ uint32_t exp; // Current Experience
/*15304*/ uint8_t unknown15304[12];
/*15316*/ uint8_t languages[MAX_KNOWN_LANGS]; // List of languages
/*15341*/ uint8_t unknown15341[7]; // All 0x00 (language buffer?)
/*15348*/ float y; // Players y position
/*15352*/ float x; // Players x position
/*15356*/ float z; // Players z position
/*15360*/ float heading; // Players heading
/*15364*/ uint32_t standState; // 0x64 = stand
/*15368*/ uint32_t platinum_bank; // Platinum Pieces in Bank
/*15372*/ uint32_t gold_bank; // Gold Pieces in Bank
/*15376*/ uint32_t silver_bank; // Silver Pieces in Bank
/*15380*/ uint32_t copper_bank; // Copper Pieces in Bank
/*15384*/ uint32_t platinum_shared; // Shared platinum pieces
/*15388*/ uint8_t unknown15388[1036];
/*16424*/ uint32_t expansions; // Bitmask for expansions
/*16428*/ uint8_t unknown16428[12];
/*16440*/ uint32_t autosplit; // 0 = off, 1 = on
/*16444*/ uint8_t unknown16444[16];
/*16460*/ uint16_t zoneId; // see zones.h
/*16462*/ uint16_t zoneInstance; // Instance id
/*16464*/ uint8_t unknown16464[800];
/*17264*/ uint32_t leadAAActive; // 0 = leader AA off, 1 = leader AA on
/*17268*/ uint8_t unknown17268[4];
/*17272*/ uint32_t ldon_guk_points; // Earned GUK points
/*17276*/ uint32_t ldon_mir_points; // Earned MIR points
/*17280*/ uint32_t ldon_mmc_points; // Earned MMC points
/*17284*/ uint32_t ldon_ruj_points; // Earned RUJ points
/*17288*/ uint32_t ldon_tak_points; // Earned TAK points
/*17292*/ uint32_t ldon_avail_points; // Available LDON points
/*17296*/ uint8_t unknown17296[136];
/*17432*/ uint32_t tributeTime; // Time remaining on tribute (millisecs)
/*17436*/ uint32_t careerTribute; // Total favor points for this char
/*17440*/ uint32_t unknown17432; // *** Placeholder
/*17444*/ uint32_t currentTribute; // Current tribute points
/*17448*/ uint32_t unknown17440; // *** Placeholder
/*17452*/ uint32_t tributeActive; // 0 = off, 1=on
/*17456*/ TributeStruct tributes[MAX_TRIBUTES]; // Current tribute loadout
/*17496*/ uint8_t unknown17496[4];
/*17500*/ float expGroupLeadAA; // Current group lead exp points
/*17504*/ uint32_t unknown17504;
/*17508*/ float expRaidLeadAA; // Current raid lead AA exp points
/*17512*/ uint32_t unknown17512;
/*17516*/ uint32_t groupLeadAAUnspent; // Unspent group lead AA points
/*17520*/ uint32_t raidLeadAAUnspent; // Unspent raid lead AA points
/*17524*/ uint32_t leadershipAAs[MAX_LEAD_AA]; // Leader AA ranks
/*17652*/ uint8_t unknown17644[128];
/*17780*/ uint32_t airRemaining; // Air supply (seconds)
/*17784*/ uint8_t unknown17784[4608];
/*22392*/ uint32_t expAA; // Exp earned in current AA point
/*22396*/ uint8_t unknown22396[40];
/*22436*/ uint32_t currentRadCrystals; // Current count of radiant crystals
/*22440*/ uint32_t careerRadCrystals; // Total count of radiant crystals ever
/*22444*/ uint32_t currentEbonCrystals;// Current count of ebon crystals
/*22448*/ uint32_t careerEbonCrystals; // Total count of ebon crystals ever
/*22452*/ uint8_t groupAutoconsent; // 0=off, 1=on
/*22453*/ uint8_t raidAutoconsent; // 0=off, 1=on
/*22454*/ uint8_t guildAutoconsent; // 0=off, 1=on
/*22455*/ uint8_t unknown22455[5]; // ***Placeholder (6/29/2005)
/*22460*/ uint32_t showhelm; // 0=no, 1=yes
/*22464*/ uint8_t unknown22464[1032]; // ***Placeholder (2/13/2007)

03-14-2009, 09:11 PM

Sweetness man. Thanks!

Last night's bazillion pluses.... no more!!

03-18-2009, 06:48 PM
Where do I plug this stuff in?

03-18-2009, 06:59 PM
Where do I plug this stuff in?

The changes are in the latest release, otherwise they go in everquest.h.