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View Full Version : MySEQ -> EQMac (Al'Kabor)

08-29-2009, 03:24 PM
I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I haven't found any definitive answers besides,"this will be difficult" while searching on the web and through older posts on this site.

EQMac (or Al'Kabor) has been seeing a sudden boom of new players since SoE announced that there are no future plans to ever implement a Classic EQ server, or a new progression server. Since many folks were disappointed with the 50/51 server, they've gone out and bought cheap Macs to try out Al'Kabor, and have been loving it.

I suppose what I am getting at, is there is now a much larger demand for MySEQ, or a form of it for the EQMac server, and was curious if anyone has found a way to get it to work from either a Linux or Windows based system, or running on the background of OS X?

I would sincerely appreciate any help someone could present.

08-30-2009, 08:52 AM
I am not sure, but ShowEQ might work for you...with some tweaking. I think some people have had some limited success with it using an old version from the CVS. I also have most libEQ.a files (that contained the decryption routines). You might want to do a search. I seem to remember a couple threads on this.

MySEQ was not around back then and I believe during the pop-era encryption was different so if you wanted to get MySEQ working with it, it would also take some work.