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12-14-2009, 06:09 PM
I am tryng to get showeq running to use for eqmac. I looked and did not see how to download the old showeq files in the cvs. If anyone has gotten thsi working and can tell me what files to download that would be great. Or if anyone can tell me how to get to the old files that would be helpful as wlel.

12-17-2009, 10:05 PM
I don't know if anyone has got ShowEQ to work with Mac. I do not expect any of the normal ShowEQ releases to work. It might be possible to get a server for myseq to work, but I haven't looked into that. Maybe that is what I can try to do over the holidays, for my winter project.


12-18-2009, 04:47 PM
I tried a cursory once over getting the then current* version installed, as I was running EQ in a VM. Attempting to build from scratch on the OSX console was not an easy process, I could not convince any of the available 'easy to use' tools to install a usable version of Qt 3. They insisted on using either a very oudated version, or a much too recent version. Either way, I could not get Qt 3.3.8 installed, and abandoned the project then.

I did get it installed inside a Linux install on a separate VM, but routing the information between the two VMs was difficult/impossible. I gave up and went back to using my desktop instead of the laptop from work.

*was about a year ago, give or take.

12-18-2009, 08:22 PM
I am going to start by looking at old versions of showeq, and see if anything is close. But I would be building under linux, not on the mac. Of course I gotta get linux set up again still. The last of my 5 year old P4's bit the dust for the final time. Its sad when I replaced it with my old AMD Barton core, which runs like a champ still. That AMD has out lived all 3 of the P4 systems I had. I had two P4 motherboards that were identical, and they both kicked the bucket within 3 months of each other. Now how is that for building them consistent.
