View Full Version : Beta?

08-30-2010, 01:28 PM
I'm trying to get MySEQ working with beta. Anyone interested in helping make this happen? I've followed the guide on these two links:


And neither work. Using the first link, I was able to get myseq to get my location and it would move around correctly, but nothing was on the map other than me moving around.

Any idea? Another guide I should be following? A much simpler way of gathering offsets?

08-30-2010, 02:42 PM
The 1st link you posted is the most recent version of the how to. There were a couple of different programs useful for finding offsets. Both would likely need further modification to be useful to you though. Links to the threads about the 2 programs:


I don't know how many people they actually accept into the beta, but someone would need access to a beta account to be of more direct help.