View Full Version : Yet another Filters thread

03-13-2002, 09:10 AM
Kind of ironic, i know....but I got seq up and running great. I just can't seem to get the alerts working. I'm gone over everyone elses problems and tried some things on my own. Still no luck. It won't play a sound or highlight the mobs or anything. It's like it is turned off. I don't have a filters.conf file anymore(renamed). When I click on edit spawns, the correct spawns were listed. Last time I zoned in, 3 of the listed spawns were up. I've tried with and without #'s. The names apeared exactly as they did in the spawn list window. Any ideas?

--------------------------------From showeq.conf----------------------------
FilterFile /usr/local/share/showeq/filters.conf
SpawnFilterFile /usr/local/share/showeq/filter.conf
LogLocates 1
LogCautions 0
LogHunts 0
LogDangers 0
SpawnFilterAudio 1 # if 1 use sound device
SpawnFilterIsCaseSensitive 0 # use case sensitive matches on filters
SpawnAudioCommand "/usr/bin/esdplay spawn.wave &"
LocateSpawnAudioCommand "/usr/bin/playwave spawn.wave &"
CautionSpawnAudioCommand "/usr/bin/playwave spawn.wave &"
HuntSpawnAudioCommand "/usr/bin/playwave spawn.wave &"
DangerSpawnAudioCommand "/usr/bin/playwave spawn.wave &"
DeSpawnAudioCommand "/usr/bin/playwave despawn.wave &"
DeathAudioCommand "/usr/bin/playwave death.wave &"
DeSpawnAlert 1 # alert on despawn of a watched spawn
DeathAlert 0 # alert on death of a watched spawn
AlertInfo 1 # shows additional spawn info in alert

------------------------------from filters_cazicthule.conf--------------------------------
##Cazic-Thule (Lost Temple of)##
Name:#a disciple of Thule
Name:#a virulent mosquito
Name:#Thul Tae Ew adept
Name:#a frenzied shiverback
Name:#a swirling green mass


03-13-2002, 11:35 AM
Try the following. Also check out http://www.perlmonks.org/ and read up on regexp.

##Cazic-Thule (Lost Temple of)##
Name:[#+]a disciple of Thule
Name:[#+]a virulent mosquito
Name:[#+]Thul Tae Ew adept
Name:[#+]a frenzied shiverback
Name:[#+]a swirling green mass