View Full Version : IDA script: zones.idc - dump zone info from eqgame.exe

01-01-2013, 05:27 PM
I couldn't get the perl script working so here's one for IDA.

// zones.idc
// dumps zone info from eqgame.exe (zone index, short name, long name)
// 1/1/2013 - ieatacid

#include <idc.idc>

static main(void)
auto ea, ea2, ea3, ea4, ea5, ea6, file, func_end, rdata_start, rdata_end, zoneShort, zoneLong, zoneIndex;

// store zones.txt in location where eqgame.exe/idb was opened
file = fopen("./zones.txt", "wt");
Warning("Error opening file");

ea = FindBinary(FirstSeg(), SEARCH_DOWN, "6a 07 68 c3 08 00 00 68");

if(ea == BADADDR)
Warning("Binary search for beginning of command list failed!");

func_end = FindFuncEnd(ea);
rdata_start = SegByBase(SegByName(".rdata"));
rdata_end = SegEnd(rdata_start);

ea = nextLine(ea);
ea = nextLine(ea);

while(ea != func_end)
// check if current operand address is located in .rdata, where the zone name strings are located
if(isGoodAddr(ea, rdata_start, rdata_end))
// no easy-to-use arrays in idc :(

// read data from each line and scan ahead for 0x6A (push 8 bit value)
// 0x8B (mov r32,r32) and 0xE8 (call near) - if found in that order
// it's a call to EQZoneInfo::EQZoneInfo and we can save the values
// from the previous lines containing zone names and index

zoneLong = getStr(ea);

ea2 = nextLine(ea);
zoneShort = getStr(ea2);

ea3 = nextLine(ea2);
zoneIndex = GetOperandValue(ea3, 0);

ea4 = nextLine(ea3);
ea5 = nextLine(ea4);
ea6 = nextLine(ea5);

if(Byte(ea4) == 0x6A && Byte(ea5) == 0x8B && Byte(ea6) == 0xE8)
Message("{ \"%s\", \"%s\" }, // %d\n", zoneShort, zoneLong, zoneIndex);
fprintf(file, "{ \"%s\", \"%s\" }, // %d\n", zoneShort, zoneLong, zoneIndex);

ea = ea6;

ea = nextLine(ea);


static getStr(ea)
auto strEa = GetOperandValue(ea, 0);
return GetString(strEa, -1, ASCSTR_C);

static nextLine(ea)
auto instr = DecodeInstruction(ea);
return ea + instr.size;

static isGoodAddr(ea, fStart, fEnd)
auto opnd;
opnd = GetOperandValue(ea, 0);
if(opnd > fStart && opnd < fEnd)
return 1;
return 0;

01-02-2013, 08:12 AM

I was pulling my hair out with the other one. I have so little left that I really dont want to loose any more.

01-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Fantastic. I never got the hang of IDA, so I always did things the hard way.

01-02-2013, 10:28 AM
I was looking for a good example of an ida script. This is awesome. Totally helps with some other stuff I was trying to do the hard way. Thanks ieatacid.


01-02-2013, 03:36 PM
Good to see you ksmith. I didn't know you were still around.

04-03-2014, 01:13 PM
This is an update to IEA's script to handle current eqgame.exe (still reverse compatible)

// zones.idc
// dumps zone info from eqgame.exe (zone index, short name, long name)
// 1/1/2013 - ieatacid

#include <idc.idc>

static main(void)
auto ea, ea2, ea3, ea4, ea5, ea6, file, func_end, rdata_start, rdata_end, zoneShort, zoneLong, zoneIndex, movCheck;

// store zones.txt in location where eqgame.exe/idb was opened
file = fopen("./zones.txt", "wt");
Warning("Error opening file");

ea = FindBinary(FirstSeg(), SEARCH_DOWN, "6a 07 68 c3 08 00 00 68");

if(ea == BADADDR)
Warning("Binary search for beginning of command list failed!");

func_end = FindFuncEnd(ea);
rdata_start = SegByBase(SegByName(".rdata"));
rdata_end = SegEnd(rdata_start);

ea = nextLine(ea);
ea = nextLine(ea);

while(ea != func_end)
// check if current operand address is located in .rdata, where the zone name strings are located
if(isGoodAddr(ea, rdata_start, rdata_end))
// no easy-to-use arrays in idc :(

// read data from each line and scan ahead for 0x6A (push 8 bit value)
// 0x8B (mov r32,r32) and 0xE8 (call near) - if found in that order
// it's a call to EQZoneInfo::EQZoneInfo and we can save the values
// from the previous lines containing zone names and index

zoneLong = getStr(ea);

ea2 = nextLine(ea);
zoneShort = getStr(ea2);

ea3 = nextLine(ea2);
zoneIndex = GetOperandValue(ea3, 0);
movCheck = nextLine(ea3); //To check for additional mov statement.
if(Byte(movCheck) == 0x88)
ea3 = movCheck;
ea4 = nextLine(ea3);
ea5 = nextLine(ea4);
ea6 = nextLine(ea5);
if(Byte(ea6) == 0x88) //To check for same mov statement as above, but positioned differently.
ea6 = nextLine(ea6);

if(Byte(ea4) == 0x6A && Byte(ea5) == 0x8B && Byte(ea6) == 0xE8)
Message("{ \"%s\", \"%s\" }, // %d\n", zoneShort, zoneLong, zoneIndex);
fprintf(file, "{ \"%s\", \"%s\" }, // %d\n", zoneShort, zoneLong, zoneIndex);

ea = ea6;

ea = nextLine(ea);


static getStr(ea)
auto strEa = GetOperandValue(ea, 0);
return GetString(strEa, -1, ASCSTR_C);

static nextLine(ea)
auto instr = DecodeInstruction(ea);
return ea + instr.size;

static isGoodAddr(ea, fStart, fEnd)
auto opnd;
opnd = GetOperandValue(ea, 0);
if(opnd > fStart && opnd < fEnd)
return 1;
return 0;

04-03-2014, 01:58 PM