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View Full Version : Windows 10 Problems - Rare Mobs / Alerts Not Working

08-23-2015, 12:57 PM
After upgrading to Windows 10, all of the settings on MySEQ were completely reset. The problems that I'm having now are the rare mobs and the alerts associated with those mobs actually working.

When I mark a mob rare, it updates the filter wordfile as needed but in the actual client, the mob still is listed without a [R] next to the name nor does the "speech" alert trigger to let me know the rare mob has spawned.

I have looked over every option possible to try and figure out a fix, searched these forums, but have been unable to find anything. I also completely uninstalled and reinstalled MySEQ, and have confirmed that all offsets are up to date to no luck.

Have any others ran into these same problems?