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View Full Version : Greigs End

03-19-2002, 10:59 AM
Does anyone have a complete map filter of greigs, the one I have now has both ends but no middle, and I have been having trouble with Greigs loading up. I get map but no critters on it and I tried multiple logs and zoneing...

03-19-2002, 12:25 PM
Check mapfield for a complete map, as for seeing all the mobs, they dont show until either a new spawn packet is received, that means one of three things has to happen:

(I really need to create macros for these answers instead of retyping them constantly, would save me alot of time..)

a) a MOB spawns
b) a player zones in
c) a pet is summoned

Since Greigs is a low traffic zone, it may be a while before any of these things happen


03-19-2002, 12:34 PM
When I first zoned in I had them and then the raid start, I logged to turn the skins off and came back and nadda, had a map but no spawns, I could zone to dawn and I would get the mobs up but not in greigs after the raid peopls started showing up so that ruled out the zone in thing and the killing mob one. And also SEQ freezes up on me, I have to log on my linux machine to clear it out, after clicking the X and doing a close to SEQ to close it out any suggestions there, Greigs is the only zone that I have had this trouble with.