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View Full Version : Installing Multiple Versions of ShowEQ

04-06-2017, 05:47 PM
I am still very much a Linux novice. How do you get 2 different versions Showeq installed without overwriting the previous version. I play on live and sometimes I play on an Emulated Eq server. Wanted to see if I could have 2 different versions so I could run Showeq for the version I am currently playing on.


04-07-2017, 05:00 PM
I figured it out. I just renamed the compiled program in sbin to showeqemu and then compiled the one for live and left it named showeq. Small problem is they share the same maps, spells and string files. But that isn't that big of an issue, I wrote script to move the correct files for maps, spells and strings to the directory before launching the program.

04-09-2017, 03:58 PM
You could have two users. Log in with user1 and it would save maps and stuff in /home/user1/.showeq and then log in user2 for emulated one. It would save the maps and spells in /home/user2/.showeq.

Otherwise you would need to edit the source to change the save location of one of them.