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View Full Version : Spreadsheet info on mobs?

03-19-2002, 03:50 PM
Hi all,

Haven't managed to get around to building a Linux machine yet, so I thought I'd see if anyone had the document I'm looking for.

A ways back, when ShowEQ was in its infancy, I came across a document someone had created from a ShowEQ logfile. Basically, he'd gone zone to zone, and generated a log of the various NPCs in that zone, their level, class, and hit points.

I found this incredibly handy, because I could drop it into Excel, and use it as a hunting guide - a simple sort by mob level, then by hit points. I kept a separate copy sorted by zone, then by NPC name, to make it easier to look up specific NPCs.

Has anyone got something like this with fairly recent numbers? The one I'd seen was pre-Kunark, and I'm really kicking myself at having lost not only my hard copy, but also my digital one.

Many thanks in advance for any leads that might be provided.

03-19-2002, 11:39 PM
I dug around a bit more, and it seems I'd gotten the files of the (now defunct) http://www.k2.org site. Ring any bells? Anyone? Bueller?