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View Full Version : Side Search Bar & Information missing

11-07-2018, 07:28 AM
I'm not computer savvy and actually had someone use splashtop to help set up this program on my pc.

I was clicking around and lost control of my mouse for a second and someone how it erroneously clicked away the navigation tools on my map window. Now all I have is a map. How do I bring back the search tool on the top and the list of mobs and ground items on the left side?

Thank you!

11-07-2018, 01:08 PM
I figured I couldn't break it much further and with enough clicking around I figured it out on my own. Right clicking on the map brought up an option for window information. Once that was up I was able to select the missing features by clicking view. I hope this is helpful if someone else has the same problem in the future.

11-08-2018, 08:03 AM
Good I was going to reply earlier but I didnt have time. Best way to learn is by experimentation. I am glad you figured it out.