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View Full Version : [Test] 7/22 Patch

07-27-2020, 08:40 AM
Updated structs and opcodes for Test. Patch applies against current trunk/tarball. The patch will mostly apply against the current beta6, but there has been some drift between versions with everquest.h, so you'll likely need to manually patch everquest.h for beta6 until I have a chance to re-sync them (hopefully sometime in the next week). In any case if you have the previous patch for test applied, you'll need to unapply it or otherwise restore the previous versions of the files for this patch to apply cleanly.

patch -p0 < 2020-07-22_test_server.txt

Apologies for the delay on this - I was out of town.

07-27-2020, 05:40 PM
thanks cn187