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View Full Version : Only tangently related to gaming ... virusess and open relays question

03-23-2002, 03:24 PM
Some bunny is picking on me ... I don' think it's related to gaming, but I want to be on the safe side :)

I was sent an email message to my thxinfo.com email address with a bunch of virii in it, a couple of really really nasty ones.

It was sent with a "reply to" of a non-existent yahoo address, but from and bouncing off of what looks to be a bogus email account off of a valid server in singapore.

The "email" account bounces off of a server in singapore ... I contacted the website design company of the site in question and they in turn informed the company that owns that site that they may have an open relay.

The machine it apparetnly came from came in through the rochester.rr.com system (or at least using one of their servers) ... so my question is, what is the next step? forward the message to RoadRunner and have them trace it down? I thought it was someone in Texas targetting me, based on other events happening shortly before this virus ... how can I get whoever did send me the virus in legal trouble? Who do I report it to and what do I report?