View Full Version : Crash when Compile qt-2.3.2 Details inside

03-23-2002, 09:27 PM
These are the steps i followed form hackersquest:
At the last point where I did make my PC froze up.
I have a Bad CPU that sometimes will lock up.
Problem is now when I go back in to run MAKE I get errors.
not sure how to copy the error here
I have ran Make clean but cannot run configure.
I am VERY new to linux and dont know jack about programming but am learning.

How do I get to the point where I can recompile this?
I can do the rest of the steps but This part will not complete and im sure that the Compile did not complete but was probably near completion.

I also attempeted to remove the usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/ and re extract it and redo make didnt work so im assuming there is another area that I need to remove the compiled info that didnt finish. Im running Red hat 7.2

on a side not I cannot log into KDE which is what I had running at the time, I can access GNOME just fine, and can access my console. any info would be appreciated

>>>>>>.) Download qt-2.3.2 at ftp.trolltech.com (ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz) and extract it to /usr/lib/qt-3.0.1 (cp qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz /usr/lib/ ; cd /usr/lib ; tar zxvf qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz)


cd /usr/lib/
wget ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz
tar zxvf qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz

2a.) edit the file "qt-src/configs/linux-g++-shared (pico -w configs/linux-g++-shared) and change all references to "gcc" to "gcc3" as well as "g++" to "g++3" (lines 3, 4, 35, and 59). save your changes (ctrl-o, ctrl-x)


pico -w /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/configs/linux-g++-shared

2b.) "export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2" then configure and compile qt-2.3.2 with the -thread option (./configure -thread ; make). you can use "make -j2" to possibly speed up compile, and if you have 2 cpus use "make -j3"
**this compile will take a LONG time, possibly as few as 1 hour and as many as 6 depending on cpu speed. for the purpose of THIS sheet, i used my already compiled qt-2.3.2 from home which was in tar.gz format. i may make this available, i may not.


cd /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/
export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/
./configure -thread
make <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

03-23-2002, 10:47 PM
please anyone?

03-23-2002, 10:53 PM
please anyone?

03-24-2002, 06:08 AM
deleting the /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2 and re-extracting from the tar.gz file WILL remove everything and start over. qt is something that is compiled in its dir, and stays in its dir. it does not put ANY files anywhere else...

are you sure you have gcc3 and g++3 isntalled (correctly?)? also, i had problems when i used "make -j2" or "make -j3" for qt, try just "make" (though you are probably doing that...)

also, there is a small typo aparantly in that install guide... it makes reference to /usr/lib/qt-3.0.1 :)

IF you can't seem to compile it on YOUR system, qt compiles are fairly portable. if you have access to another (more stable system) you can just compile it there, tar up the whole /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2 dir and copy it over....

tar zcvf filename.tar.gz dir/to/gzip

03-24-2002, 06:12 AM
oh, and learn some fucking patients! (and if i spelled that wrong, i need to learn to fucking spell).