View Full Version : NPC walk paths display bug (w/ patch)

07-19-2021, 03:58 PM
Displaying NPC walk paths is a little buggy, and shows lines all over the map. To enable, under the Options menu, turn on "Record Spawn Walk Paths" and set "Walk Path Length" if desired. Then to display, under the Window menu, Map Submenu, Show Submenu, check either "Selections Walk Path" (and then select a mob) or "NPC Walk Paths" to show all walk paths. You'll see blue lines for the walk paths which are mostly correct, but have, for each path, at least one line going off the map and possibly another line going to 0,0.

In source file mapicon.cpp, function MapIcons::paintSpawnIcon, I found a couple of bugs. One bug is where they didn't offset the coordinates properly when finishing off drawing the line. The other bug occurs when a mob doesn't have any points in his walk path (static mobs, for example) and the code draws a path from 0,0.

Applying this patch should fix things.

07-19-2021, 06:46 PM
Thanks Newby!

07-21-2021, 07:57 AM
Thanks Newby!