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View Full Version : Spawn time sort descending bug

08-22-2021, 10:08 PM
It appears that when the time rolls over to midnight (00:00, it will no longer sort correctly by the SpawnTime column in descending order. They go to the bottom of the list since 00 < 23.

08-23-2021, 05:50 AM
I hadn't found that specific issue, but there are a lot of sorting issues that I hope to fix. Thanks for reporting this!

08-24-2021, 12:25 PM
Yes, in order to replicate it, you need to be playing a little before and after midnight your time. Technically, the app is doing what it should by the numerical nature. It just needs extra logic to be able to tell it that if time rolls from 23 over to 00, to treat 00 as being "newer" or higher in the sorting calculation being done when sorting SpawnTime by descending value.

09-15-2021, 04:21 PM
I can confirm this, I suspect the table widget being used to display the spawn list doesn't know that column is a time field and is treating it as a string. I assume showeq isn't passing it a time value, just the time string. So it just sorts by the string, which doesn't include a date.

I've seen the bug a few times, I just take it as a sign that I need to go to bed.