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View Full Version : Filtered spawns - leave on map, hide in list

12-06-2021, 11:47 AM
Is there a way to hide filtered spawns in the "All" list, but still show their icons on the map. Mainly referring to traps.

Adding them to filtered removes them from everything. Looking at filtered shows the list but not the icons on the map.

12-09-2021, 01:21 PM
I haven't tried this, but I think you should be able to add them to filtered (to hide them from everything), then right click on the map and select Show->Filtered to put them back on the map.

12-10-2021, 11:47 PM
I tried it but it did not work. Did what you said, saved preferences, zoned out and back in. Filtered don't show on the map... A good zone for reference for traps is dragon necropolis. They're important to know where they are, but they depop and repop regularly, so always float to the top of the list. Being able to hide from the list but see on the map would be wonderful.

12-11-2021, 08:30 AM
I tested this, and it behaves as expected for me. I'm not sure what you're doing differently.

Here's what I did:

1. Right-click on item in spawnlist, select "Add spawnname zone filter->filtered"
2. Adjusted filter to be more general (just name, so it catches all instances of selected spawn) and hit OK
3. Observe: filtered spawns in spawnlist turn gray and after a few seconds, disappear from spawnlist. Spawns disappear from map (immediately I think - I looked and they were gone, but I didn't time it).
4. Right-click on map, select "Show->filtered"
5. Observe: filtered spawns appear on map with a border around them (gray by default). Spawns remain hidden from the spawn list.

Note: I didn't zone or save preferences or filters as I didn't want to mess with my current config, but it shouldn't matter. If it works in-zone, then saving filters/preferences should work fine. You would need to save the preferences (File->Save preferences) to save the "Map->Show->Filtered" setting. You would need to save the zone filter (Filters->Save Zone Filters) to save the zone filter itself. Doing that should allow it to persist after zoning/restart.