View Full Version : recent suspensions

01-08-2022, 07:44 AM
Just curious been hearing of recent suspensions (1-7 and another way due 1-8).
one of the things listed was showeq.

But honestly looks more like its something else. Not MQ either .. ton of those 2 full bot groups still hacking away in zones.

Just curious if anyone else has heard details or has any hard info ...
Verses the ton of people posting .. i got X and didnt do anything wrong :)

01-08-2022, 10:50 PM
I haven't been frequenting the forums or discord or anything lately, so I'm not sure where you heard about the suspensions (link appreciated if you have one), or if the info came from a DBG post or from players. I would be really surprised if DBG actually said "because of ShowEQ" - I'd expect more generic corporate speak from them that didn't actually name the software. So I'm guessing it's from players trying to guess why they themselves or someone else they know got suspended.

If that's the case, then it stands to reason that most people who play and don't cheat aren't going to know the difference between different cheating tools. (I know I've heard people talking about someone they suspect of using ShowEQ, but what they were accusing the person of isn't possible with ShowEQ, they'd have to be using MQ2 or similar). So they might say/think it was ShowEQ, even though it wasn't.

So that supports what you said about it looking more like something else even though ShowEQ was mentioned.

Anyway, all that aside, the only hard info I have is this: ShowEQ can be set up so it's not detectable using technological means, period. MySEQ is theoretically be detectable if DBG wanted to bother with the effort to do it, but there's no evidence that they're currently doing this. However, either one is detectable through user mistakes or stupidity (like not being careful what you say in game chat or in discord to other players, or doing blatantly obvious or asshole-ish things that cause other players to report you).

Stay safe out there everyone, and be smart with your ShowEQ/MySEQ usage.

01-09-2022, 08:19 AM
There was a couple posts on the eq forums themselves. A number of folks in game that were hit i personally know of.
To many MQ'ers still out there boxing obviously, but not hurting anyone directly.
Don't know anyone that uses myseq or myshoweq that got hit (now that ive had some more time to check).
The best i can tell so far looks more like they were exploiting something, or similar.

01-13-2022, 12:39 PM
I know several people who use MQ got banned.

01-13-2022, 08:20 PM
Just remember that ShowEQ is NOT detectable (MySEQ is). You will not be suspended/banned for using it under these conditions:
1. Don't announce that you are using it!
2. Don't announce named/rares are up or just popped.
3. Don't beeline for named/rares!

02-07-2022, 10:46 AM
Second wave of suspensions happened last Friday. Again, a lot of MQ were suspended.

02-07-2022, 06:11 PM
I think they are shooting themselves in the foot. Granted, get rid of the afk MQers but people who did nothing except use it to xp are getting suspended/banned. Just my 2 cents.