View Full Version : ZEM for current zone - how to find?

01-20-2022, 09:55 AM

I thought whenever you zoned you would get a message that says in the ShowEQ console window "welcome to such and such zone, where the experience multiplier is "x""

But I don't get any message like that, nor can I find this info in any of my logs. Where would this information normally pop show up?


01-20-2022, 02:23 PM
They got rid of that a LONG time ago. They can now change zone xp on the fly. Hot Zones are an example of that.

01-20-2022, 02:37 PM
I should have clarified, this is for P99 with version 5 ShowEQ.

01-20-2022, 02:38 PM
But either way, doesn't ShowEQ sniff that out?

01-20-2022, 05:46 PM
I have no idea if P99 still sends it or not. If they do, then that field in the struct (newZoneStruct IIRC) needs to be the correct type/size/position in order for SEQ to be able to show it.

Also, as far as where it's displayed - I assume it gets logged somewhere, but I think there's also an option to show the current ZEM in the status bar.

01-20-2022, 07:00 PM
Hey thanks you guys for your responses!

Yes I see it now, in OP_NewZone... I'll look at this more closely. Maybe the struct positioning is off. I do see the ZEM there in the decoded packet in zone log.

You're right, ZEM is an option under status bar. Couldn't find it for the life of me... It's a wacky number though, so struct must be off.