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View Full Version : Feature request - right click add mob to filter

04-01-2002, 09:18 AM
This can't be that hard to do, and it would be VERY handy for keeping the filters for each zone set up the way you need them. I was thinking right click and get a drop down list for the mob based on name and race with check box type options for hunt, danger, caution, alert, etc.. You would not get all the same control as editing the filter file manually, but for most mobs all we need is to add their name to the appropriate list. Feel like hunting a certain type of mob, right click it's name, select race or name from the resulting drop down menu, select hunt and check it. press F3 and bingo, a bunch or little circles moving all about begging to be knocked off :) Log on a different character and find those circles annoying, simply reverse the process, or maybe add them to the caution list...

Mr Guy
04-01-2002, 10:26 AM
That sounds like an excellent thing for you to write up and propose a patch for.

04-01-2002, 11:50 AM
I'll get right on that, although it may take a while. Last time I wrote any code it was for a Tandy computer, Apple was still a bit new and IBM was only thinking about releasing the PC. It may take me a while to catch up to current technology.

Oh, wait... you were being sarcastic. I get it :)

Seriously, this whole SEQ thing and having to get familiar with Linux has sparked an old memroy or two. I will be looking into programming again soon thanks to you guys and this nice open source way of getting things done, but don't expect any quick updates or patches from me anytime soon. If anyone thinks my idea was a good one and actually has the ability to code it, feel free to steal my ideas and take full credit for thinking it up yourself, as I'm sure someone has had the notion to make the GUI more feature rich at some point (amazing the things you think of while waiting for a mob to spawn).

Mr Guy
04-02-2002, 11:32 AM
I seem to remember SINS having a similiar feature. It's a good idea. I'll try to look into it, it's about time I started contributing more than helping people.

Not that helping people isn't useful mind you...

04-02-2002, 11:42 AM
When I mentioned this idea to friends, all I got was puzzled looks. They could not think of a way to make it work given the flexability of the filter system. My thought is this...

right click and get 2 options, name and race. Choose either one and get basic filter categories like alert, hunt, caution, etc... so you can add "Name:a gnoll pup" to your hunt list easy a a few clicks.

More or fancier features would be cool, but this simple approach would help me build the separare filter lists for the zones many times faster than editing the filter files. For more complex filtering I am happy to edit manually.

04-03-2002, 07:02 AM
Ok. I picked up 2 books last night... Linux in a nutshell (nice referance book for commands) and a book that promises learning C++ in 24 hours. You guys got me hooked (bastards!). Still, don't expect any quality content for at least 24 hours :)

04-03-2002, 10:53 AM
I wish you luck Virusmaster. It is a good idea.

C isnt that hard to learn. Getting familiar with the source to SEQ will take a lot longer. :)

I have contributed a couple of things (that didnt make it), but I sat there a couple of nights trying to figure out what exactly was going on. I have never really worked on multi-people source code before...it is a learning experience :)

04-03-2002, 11:12 AM
I'm just curious, but why do you need this new feature? Can't you just use the Regex bar that is above the map when looking for temporary things (i.e. mobs that a single character of yours can kill). I use it for things like that.

Name:.*gnoll pup

info regex

Mr Guy
04-03-2002, 01:07 PM
Loading please wait....

You have entered Lake Of Ill Omen.
/who me
A_showeq_user_1232 [ 56 Lameass]

You say, "What the hell, I can't see crap for all of these pups I don't care about."

Right-click, Filters->FILTERED NAME


Hmm, don't need the skeletons lower than 45 either, I'm not a necro.

Right-click, Filters->FILTERED BY REG->Name:skeleton:Level:0-45


Hmm that looks like a rare spawn.
Hey, cool, this U23UA7 is just what I wanted, bet my friends would like one.

Right-clight, Filters->ALERT NAME

You get the idea. It's nothing you can't do by opening up the zone specific filters, but it would be NICE. I do think this requires the option of a global_filters_conf

Maybe I'll try looking into that first, if no one beats me to it.

04-03-2002, 06:58 PM
I would just like to be able to right click on a mob and add it to the alerts :). Im lazy and dont always take the time to open it up in the editor and modify the filter.

It isnt a big deal though. Just would make it a little easier. Some year if I get time, Ill see about doing it.

04-04-2002, 12:55 PM
Cryonic says...

"I'm just curious, but why do you need this new feature? Can't you just use the Regex bar that is above the map when looking for temporary things (i.e. mobs that a single character of yours can kill). I use it for things like that. "

Well, let's see... well over a hundred zones, all a bit different and with their own filters and mobs of importance. It would take a single person a week of evenings to enter all the data he would want into the filters if he already had the mob info printed out. Then you'd gain a few levels and no longer care about all the filters you had set up, especially the "Hunt" filter. Your "Caution" list would seem a bit weak, since you are no longer afraid fo those wimpy little gnolls, and then there are the events and temporary zone changes that alter your priorities for a short period.

Sure you can type a mob name in the search box, but only one mob name. I do that all the time. Need a few silks, type "spider". Love that feature!! But I think there are a few very valid reasons to allow easier editing (my lack of typing skills for example).

Why would I need this feature?? I don't need it. I simply want it. My brother the ranger does not understand why I would need SEQ. After all, the maps are available for free on the internet and if I wanted track, I am free to play a ranger :) He don't get it, and neither do you dude (no offense intended. I love my bro, he just don't get it).

04-04-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Virusmaster
Sure you can type a mob name in the search box, but only one mob name.
BUZZZZZ! Wrong! :D
Try this

That will blink every spider, gnoll, bixie, and orc that is level 10 or higher... Isn't RegEx awesome! ;)

Mr Guy
04-04-2002, 02:44 PM
Technically true S_B_R, I'd still love to see the regex string that will cause orc pawns to blink with a red flashing circle, bixies to be filtered out, and goblins level 10 to 13 have yellow circles.

/grins wickedly.

05-12-2002, 01:10 AM
I'd very much like to see this type of thing implemented, when I tried right-clicking on a mobs name in the all list in-game I got the little box that no matter what I did, seemed to make things worse. :confused:

I have been unable to locate a file that explains that particular functionality... Maybe it's just because I'm REAL tired... :)

05-13-2002, 04:21 PM
I just had another thought on this...

The problem, as I remember reading, is to click on a mob and add it to a filter list requires possibly too much new functionality... like writing to files

Why not make a "Temporary" filter list that poofs when you zone?

Right click on a mob, (on list or map?) and have a pop out menu called Temp Filter and select from... Hunt this, Locate this, Hide this (filter)

The inclusion of temporary type filtering would be a great feature for those that are working on tradeskills, or those working on a quest, that may not want or need to make permanent changes to their zone filter.

Unfortunately, all I can do is toss out ideas since my programming skills are limited to HTML/PHP.