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View Full Version : con color data, please add your findings

04-01-2002, 10:08 AM
Lately con colors seem to have shifted further. We basically need to start from scratch and rebuild the con color table. Please most your findings to this thread.

Please simply post in this form.

your level : mob level : con color
(e.g. 5 : 1 : green)

I will total all the data and add it to the chart. As certain level ranges become defined I will patch the code. The table below will be kept updated as new information becomes available. If you do no see your level range on the table, please add your findings.


New Chart
Levels......................Green......Cyan.....Re d

04-02-2002, 02:55 PM
52 : 31 : green
52 : 32 : green
52 : 33 : green
52 : 34 : green
52 : 35 : cyan
52 : 36 : cyan
52 : 37 : cyan
52 : 38 : cyan
52 : 39 : blue
52 : 40 : blue
52 : 41 : blue
52 : 42 : blue
52 : 43 : blue
52: 44 : blue
52 : 45 : blue
52 : 46: blue
52 : 47: blue
52 : 48: blue
52 : 49: blue
52 : 50: blue
52 : 51 : blue
52 : 52 : black

04-04-2002, 12:01 PM
Just a nut,

thank you for the information. I will get this added asap. But if no one else is going to contribute I would appreciate no one complaining about con colors being off.


04-04-2002, 01:16 PM
I'll try to collect data from some varied chars as between 10 and 60 char tonight if I get the opportunity.

Just hang in there :) RL is a PITA right now for me, but we'll get more info up for ya to work with.

04-04-2002, 11:04 PM
At 32, I found your table to be one level off at the low end:

32: 20: green
32: 21-23: cyan
32: 24-31: blue
32: 32: white
32: 33-34: yellow
32: 35: red

I hope this helps,

04-06-2002, 01:13 PM
For a level 51:

1-33 Green
34 - 37 Cyan
38 - 50 Blue
51 White
52 - 53 Yellow
54 - Red

04-07-2002, 08:10 AM
Currently Testing lvl 50 and 46.. will edit with results.

04-07-2002, 01:12 PM
Level 39 Warrior:

Green: < 26
Light Blue: 26 - 28
Blue: 29 - 38

Level 40:

Green: < 27
Light Blue: 27 - 29
Blue: 30 - 39

04-11-2002, 04:59 AM
The chart is far from complete. I guess what we'll do is gray out all the unknown level ranges. Better to know what we don't know than guess completely. If anyone has anything else to add, i'm sure the entire community would appreciate it.


04-11-2002, 03:03 PM
I think I would prefer guessing as oppossed to grey. It seems that most (if not all) of the con color errors are of the "one off" kind.

04-11-2002, 03:58 PM
It might be helpful if the data structure we are filling were posted with what is known shown so we know where to target our efforts. Is every level 1-60 represented individually with a green, cyan, blue, white, yellow and red range associated or is there some interpolation?

Edit: Ok, so if you actually realize that the first post is being updated this would be a stupid question :D

/em wanders off under a rock...

04-11-2002, 04:07 PM
I just need your level, the level of the mob and its con color.

I will include on the chart, the highest level green con and the highest level light-blue(cyan) con. The other con colors we get through the wonders of addition and subtraction. It really only takes a couple minutes of your time to get this data. You can see from the chart in the first post which player levels i do not have data for.

Thank you to those who have contributed so far. I look forward to more contributions.


04-11-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by winseq
I think I would prefer guessing as oppossed to grey. It seems that most (if not all) of the con color errors are of the "one off" kind.

That would be "Off by one" kind ... "One off" kind means it only happens once :)

There's a keen difference and that particular phrase as been the bane of several engineers I've known in the past :)

04-12-2002, 04:57 AM
I can confirm that the data for lvl 60 is correct. 44 is highest blue, and 39 highest green.

04-15-2002, 03:47 PM
One thing that can be done is to allow ShowEQ to adjust itself when you con a mob in the game.

IE, you decode the zone and it thinks a lvl 42 mob is dark blue to you, but you con it in game and it's light blue. ShowEQ could automatically adjust and save the con adjustments to the config file. From there it's trivial for people to cut and paste that part of their config that ShowEQ has written.

It could be something like the following, similar to what fee posted.

# (lvl/range):green:lightblue:dkblue:yellow:red

Then send a message to the screen:
Adjusted con levels and updated conf file.

Worst case scenario, it adds 60 lines to your file, if you played all those levels *and* none of the ranges have equivalent modifiers.



04-15-2002, 03:55 PM
Problem is that showeq cant tell the color.. its all calculated client side. you would have to tell showeq what color everything was when you conned it which would be painfull

04-15-2002, 05:11 PM
Ok so the con color is something the client does based on the level of the mob.. gotcha.

Ok, I guess my idea wouldn't work then, sorry.

Does conning something actually prompt packet info to be sent/received?


04-15-2002, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by KaL
Ok so the con color is something the client does based on the level of the mob.. gotcha.

Ok, I guess my idea wouldn't work then, sorry.

Does conning something actually prompt packet info to be sent/received?


It does.... Not exactly sure whats in it but i know it has faction.. although it dosn't tell you much anymore..

04-20-2002, 09:04 AM
50:32: Green
50:33: Cyan
50:34: Cyan
50:36: Cyan
50:37: Blue
50:38: Blue

50: -18 Green, -14 Cyan

57:36: Green
57:37: Cyan
57:38: Cyan
57:39: Cyan
57:40: Cyan
57:41: Cyan
57:42: Blue
57:43: Blue

57: -21 Green, -16 Cyan

Glad I could help out

04-20-2002, 11:14 PM
Level 27:
Green: < 18
Light blue: < 20
Blue: 20 - 26

Level 28:
Green: < 19
Light blue: < 21
Blue: 21 - 27

Level 41:
Green: < 26
Light Blue: 26 - 29
Blue: 30 - 40

04-21-2002, 08:16 AM

What is it highest level green con for levels 27 and 28.


04-21-2002, 04:56 PM
My Level: 10

<5: green
5-6: cyan
7-8: dark blue
9-10: white
11-12: yellow
>12: red

04-27-2002, 05:49 PM
I have updated the code with the new data. For those levels which have accurate data the con colors will be correct. For any other level the colors are subject to error +/- 5 levels.


04-30-2002, 06:31 PM
9: 3: Green
9: 4: Cyan
9: 5: Cyan
9: 6: Blue
9: 7: Blue

9: -6 Green, -4 Cyan


15 : 7: Green
15: 8: Green
15: 9: Cyan
15: 10: Cyan
15: 11: Blue

15: -7 Green, -5 Blue


16: 8: Green
16: 9: Green
16: 10: Cyan
16: 11: Cyan
16: 12: Blue
16: 14: Blue

16: -7 Green, -5 Blue


23: 12: Green
23: 13: Green
23: 14: Green
23: 15: Cyan
23: 16: Cyan
23: 17: Blue
24: 18: blue

23: -9 Green, -7 Blue

04-30-2002, 10:37 PM
< 19 : green
19 - 20 : light blue
21 - 28: dark blue

05-01-2002, 01:27 PM
The level 60 con's seem to be right on (the way they are set up already). I have not had any problems with them.

05-01-2002, 03:34 PM
A relatively simple formula that I have used for pleving and grouping tells the minimum level a mob can be to get any exp from it (IE light blue).

Lowest light blue mob level = your level x2/3

IE at 51 I can kill lev 34 mobs for exp, but at 52 I must kill 36 mobs for exp, as the rounding always goes up. Also since a player must be light blue to get exp with you in their group, You can use this formula as well to quickly decide whether you can group with that character. (Whether you want to or not is a completely different story.)

I hope this helps, I have found no correlation to other con levels except the obvious black is equal, yellow is 1-2 higher, and red is 3 or more higher. Also my rounding rules may need a bit more work now that I look at some of your posts. Not positive though.

Good luck :cool:


05-01-2002, 04:30 PM
24: 14: Green
24: 15: Green
24: 16: Cyan
24: 17: Cyan
24: 18: blue

24: -9 Green, -7 Cyan

53: 34: Green
53: 35: cyan
53: 36: Cyan
53: 38: Cyan
53: 39: Blue

53: -19 Green, -15 Cyan

05-30-2002, 09:25 PM
45: 28 : green
45: 29 : lt blue
45: 31 : lt blue
45: 32 : blue


06-01-2002, 03:39 AM
In this vein, am I the only one that has a hard time even seeing the blips for mobs that are either deep green con or deep red con? Both seem so close to black that I can not see them on a black background.

I would love an option to lose some of the discrimination of level for some more visibility. (I seem to remember poking around the code to just make the colors darken slower, and perhaps cap at a maximum darkness, I dont know what happened, I didnt get it working)

Mr. Suspicious
06-01-2002, 01:32 PM
Just set the backgroundcolor of your map to white (or any other color you like).

06-02-2002, 09:01 AM
17: 9 : Green
17: 10: Cyan
17: 11: Cyan
17: 12: Blue
17: 13: Blue

17: -8 Green, -6 Cyan

06-02-2002, 01:11 PM
I dont know whats sent from the server when you /con a mob, but the con message is different for each colour you con, so if that text is sent, you can use that to determine the colour...

06-02-2002, 01:57 PM
Yes, we know that.. but unless the devs have a character of every level to test with, they need to know what the range is for each level.. unless ofcourse, you are proposing that we dont show any color until you con a mob...


06-02-2002, 07:28 PM
I thought the point at the start of the thread was to be able to have SEQ adapt as you did con mobs, so was just offering counter suggestions to some of the reasons why it cant be done...

10-29-2002, 04:09 AM
rather old post to be bumping, yes, but since the con's above 60 aren't yet wholly accurate in seq's spawnlist, and it's on the topic of this thread generally...

at 61,

47 is highest liteblue.

42 is (unconfirmed) highest green. 44 was liteblue, couldn't find a 43 to verify con, 42 was green.

10-29-2002, 07:58 AM
61 : 42 : Green
61 : 43 : Cyan
61 : 44 : Cyan
61 : 45 : Cyan
61 : 46 : Cyan
61 : 47 : Cyan
61 : 48 : Blue
61 : 49 : Blue
61 : 50 : Blue
61 : 51 : Blue
61 : 52 : Blue
61 : 53 : Blue
61 : 54 : Blue
61 : 55 : Blue
61 : 56 : Blue
61 : 57 : Blue
61 : 58 : Blue
61 : 59 : Blue
61 : 60 : Blue
61 : 61 : Black
61 : 62 : Yellow
61 : 63 : Yellow
61 : 64 : Red
61 : 65 : Red

10-31-2002, 12:24 AM

10-31-2002, 12:25 AM
I've noticed this as well. Was going to post this but used good ol Search and found this allready in discussion.

Since these changes dont happen often a way of updateing the con system via the interface probably would be useless. But would elimiate the need for further issues..

I will dig thru the code tonight and find where these color tables are and try and update my version. Hopefully someone with more experience with this can do so as well and post a diff before I stumble apon it. :-)

11-04-2002, 02:25 AM
65: 49: green
65: 50: cyan
65: 51: cyan
65: 52: cyan
65: 53: cyan
65: 54: cyan
65: 55: blue
65: 56: blue
65: 57: blue
65: 58: ..
65: 59: ..
65: 60: ..
65: ....
65: 64: blue
65: 65: black