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View Full Version : Regarding saving zoom status

04-12-2002, 06:02 AM
I have come up with several different methods for this and have tested them all on my local version:

1) stores the default zoom in your showeq.conf file (all zones)
2) stores the default zoom PER ZONE in the filters file for it
3) stores the default zoom PER ZONE as the first line in the map

All three have been tested by me and work -- just wondering which most ppl are interested in and I'll submit it to the showEQ team to use if they'd like.


04-12-2002, 06:50 AM
i would think that the map file might be the best place to put it. as long as you can put it in in such a way that wouldn't break older versions...

in showeq.conf, / zone would just be a HUGE showeq.conf file... and the filters file would be the same way...

a toggle to use "map loaded zoom" value would be nice :)

04-12-2002, 08:17 AM

I beleive the best place would be in the map file. We all have all the map files , unlike filter files for each zone.

I love this idea now if someone can code the docking of a map that not the full length of the window (ie to go in the spawn list column)

PS: Does your patch save the zoom placement of different map or just one zoom setting per zone?

04-12-2002, 11:06 AM
Map file would be the worst place. What if you do a cvs get and it downloads new maps? Do you want someone who uploads maps to ovewrite your map zoom prefs?

Conf file would be best, or even a new file "mapzooms.conf"

04-12-2002, 01:32 PM
What about storing it in the showeq.conf, but under each [MapX] heading? It's less granular than a per-zone setting, but works at least the way I use seq (one big map, and one or two small maps).

04-12-2002, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Dedpoet
What about storing it in the showeq.conf, but under each [MapX] heading? It's less granular than a per-zone setting, but works at least the way I use seq (one big map, and one or two small maps).

My thoughts exactly! I would like to be able to save the Zoom level on a per Map-Window basis not a Zone by Zone basis.

04-12-2002, 06:18 PM
Tell you what I'll do -- when I get into the office this evening I'll see about setting it up to read from a mapZoom.conf file -- it will have the following tags:

Default Zoom: <number>

Map_<whatever> Zoom: <number>

on zone load it will scan the file -- if you have a zoom saved for the specific map it will use that one -- otherwise it will use the default zoom level -- that way other updates won't affect the use of the zoom feature in anyway.

How's that sound?

04-12-2002, 06:39 PM
Would it also be possible to store / parse whether the map/spawns should be depthfiltered?

04-12-2002, 08:38 PM
I hadn't currently done anything with that -- but I suppose I could adjust it to make the various map settings store in the file on a per map basis.