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View Full Version : Showeq on LINE?

04-12-2002, 09:38 AM
Had anyone tried to get showeq working with cygwin / LINE (LINE is not an emulator)?

is it possible?

thx in advance,

04-22-2002, 07:26 AM
come on, SOMEONE has to have some kind of input on this.

04-22-2002, 07:40 AM
Instead of whining to the board, why dont you try it, and then post the results?


04-22-2002, 09:35 AM
I'm very new to linux and linux-programming. I tried to get this working, but had no luck.

I'm hoping that someone more knowlegeable has tried this before, so that I can at least know if it is possible before wasting more time on it.

I'm not being lazy, I just am not knowlegeable to figure this one out for myself.

Thanks again,

04-22-2002, 11:20 AM
Doubtful. More likely the more knowledgeable people were able to get Linux installed and put SEQ on that instead of using a winbox.

04-23-2002, 07:41 AM
I have SEQ running on Linux, does that make me one of the "more knowlegeable" people you're talking about?

I think being knowlegeable requires a temperment where you want to try out new things, just for the hell of it. You're saying that just because a person is knowlegeable they will NOT try the new thing; that they will stick with what they know. That's backwards as hell. The person who is NOT knowlegeable is going to install Redhat or Mandrake, following all the instructions, to run showeq. The person who is truly knowlegeable might try installing SEQ in unconventional ways just for fun. You could say it's a challenge, I guess.

Thx again,

04-23-2002, 08:24 AM
I think its the self-bump that annoys people. Its clear after your first post that nobody has tried this/has any input... The second post just sounds like you are whining to get someone to do it for you....


04-23-2002, 09:25 AM
Sorry if it seemed that way, I just believed this was a topic worthy of being bumped. It is a new idea for a way to run showeq, and even if no one has any input right now it'll inspire some thought in the future, I'm sure.

I'm not at all desperate to get this working, I already have showeq running on a machine at home.

Just thought it was an interesting idea. :D

(OK, I'm finished explaining myself for now. ^_^ )
