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04-13-2002, 01:30 PM
Well I have SEQ setup completely. I have went out and purchased a hub and a cable/dsl router. My setup goes like this:

Cable Modem
Cable/DSL Router
to to to
to to
EQ Linux

I have done a tcpdump and recieved this:

[root@localhost root]# tcpdump -i eth0 | grep
tcpdump: listening on eth0
15:06:53.609473 arp who-has tell


new to this, not sure if this means if SEQ should be picking up the packets or not.

04-13-2002, 04:47 PM
it helps if you check while surfing the net. The problem is, that sample you posted shows Netbios BROADCAST traffic. You need to test with something that would just generate BROADCAST traffic.

04-13-2002, 04:56 PM
Ok what I was doing at the time of my example was downloading a corel wordperfect service pack on my EQ CPU, which takes awhile to download, to monitor the network while using tcpdump on the Linux. Would my setup of the network be compatible with SEQ?

04-13-2002, 05:12 PM
Is the IP address of the computer you play everquest on? If not your test was useless. tcpdump syntax should be:

tcpdump -i eth0 | grep Everquest-IPwhere "Everquest-IP" is the IP address of the mchine you play everquest on.

04-13-2002, 11:34 PM
yes, is the IP of the EQ pc. I am beginning to wonder if the hub I purchased is too advanced or something. I had thought any hub would be a dumb hub, but it seems that is not the case from what I have read. I purchased a 5 port Linksys hub and Linksys Cable/DSL router with 4 ports. If anyone with more experience than I could tell me if I made the wrong purchase please let me know, would be much appreciated.

04-14-2002, 10:21 AM
yes, you purchased the wrong thing.

you dont want a router
(ethernet ports on even ghetto cable/dsl routers are switched ports)
you dont want a switch

you do want a hub

I had thought any hub would be a dumb hub, but it seems that is not the case from what I have read.

if this were the case, why did you not buy a hub, but instead...

I purchased a 5 port Linksys hub and Linksys Cable/DSL router with 4 ports.

a hub, and a switch and cable/dsl routers all look the same, little boxes with rj-45 modular plug slots, its what is inside is different, if you want a hub, then buy a hub, and not a router with switched ethernet ports.

04-14-2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by casey
yes, you purchased the wrong thing.

you dont want a router
(ethernet ports on even ghetto cable/dsl routers are switched ports)
you dont want a switch

you do want a hub

a hub, and a switch and cable/dsl routers all look the same, little boxes with rj-45 modular plug slots, its what is inside is different, if you want a hub, then buy a hub, and not a router with switched ethernet ports.

Casey, I think he bought a hub AND a router. It just so happens that the "hub" he bought was a linksys hub.. :(

04-15-2002, 11:22 AM
Yes I purchased both. So a linksys hub was the wrong thing to buy, correct?

04-15-2002, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Jericho450
Yes I purchased both. So a linksys hub was the wrong thing to buy, correct?

Correct, there are litterally a dozen or so threads with information regarding the un-hub-like nature of linksys "hubs". Do a search (http://seq.sourceforge.net/search.php?s=) for any or all of the following keywords for more info: Linksys

wow resisted the urge to flame... I'm getting better... :D

04-15-2002, 12:06 PM
OMFG how hard is it to buy a HUB people? H - U - B, hub. HUB HUB HUB. Christ. Not a router not a switch, A HUB. Just look it up online and go buy one, better yet, buy one online so that the Best Buy Idiot doesn't sell you something you don't need. Sorry to go off but, ARGH, I bet at least 15% of the threads here are "I got a thing. Is it a hub?" related.

BTW almost no one with a simple home network NEEDS a switch its just not necessary.

04-15-2002, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by fyodorst
OMFG how hard is it to buy a HUB people? H - U - B, hub. HUB HUB HUB. Christ. Not a router not a switch, A HUB. Just look it up online and go buy one, better yet, buy one online so that the Best Buy Idiot doesn't sell you something you don't need. Sorry to go off but, ARGH, I bet at least 15% of the threads here are "I got a thing. Is it a hub?" related.

BTW almost no one with a simple home network NEEDS a switch its just not necessary.


Unfortunately Linksys "hubs" say Hub all over the packaging, they make no mention of it's switch-like behavior. So not to defend a n00b or anything, he did buy a hub it's just a linksys "hub"... Of course if he would have used the search function (http://seq.sourceforge.net/search.php?s=) that headache would have been avoided...

04-15-2002, 12:37 PM
Like I said look it up... do you go into a store and buy a CD you've never heard? NO. Look up a few possible hubs you want and go buy one.

There is a difference, even on the Linksys site:



04-15-2002, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by fyodorst
Like I said look it up... do you go into a store and buy a CD you've never heard? NO. Look up a few possible hubs you want and go buy one.

There is a difference, even on the Linksys site:


Once again, unfortunately it's not that cut and dry with Linksys. The devices listed at: http://www.linksys.com/Products/group.asp?grid=24 in most situations perform as a switch, even though they are clearly listed as a hub...

To use your CD analogy, it would be like going to the store and buying a CD clearly marked as Pink Floyd, but when you get home it's really Milly Vanilly...

04-15-2002, 03:24 PM
yeah, quit bashing this poor newb. he learned his stuff and tried his best to go buy a HUB H-U-B HUB but ended up with our favorite hub-switch.

you CAN make a linksys hub actually BEHAVE like a hub.

if you can connect a 10mbit device to the HUB and your eq/seq are both 100mbit... your hub is now really a hub, like everyone wants!

i have 2 of the same "hubs" and use this trick to fix my problem. my router has two 10mbit nics in it, so i hook it to my 8port hub and it turns it into a real hub (100mbit is one hub, 10mbit is another hub). i can then sniff ANY traffic that goes from hub 1 -> hub 2 -> internet (because of they way the hubs are linked... anyway, if you don't want to go take it back there ARE ways to get it to work.

04-15-2002, 04:33 PM
Thanks Fry, I'm pretty sure I understand what you were explaining there... gonna give this a try tonight. Would like to thank everyone else for there help and constructive criticism as well.

Everything I have learned about Linux and ShowEQ I have learned here, within this forum and using the search feature. I did my best not to ask a repeptitive question without searching first, I understand the desire for beginners to use the search feature and how frustrating it can be when they don't. This rule is one of the most common rules for at least 75% of the forums I have visited.

Once again, thank you.

04-15-2002, 04:55 PM
I know this has been beaten into the ground and all, but I meant nothing personal to the original poster. It was simply an expression of frustration in general. If I buy a Pink Floyd cd and its Milly Vanilly, then I would take the CD back and get a different one or go somewhere else that would sell me what I wanted.


yeah fine im a jackass

04-15-2002, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by fyodorst

yeah fine im a jackass LOL, I didn't mean it like that. ;)

Originally posted by Jericho450
Once again, thank you.Good luck to you Jericho. :D

04-16-2002, 06:35 AM
oh, and don't forget you can't actually SEARCH for the word "hub" because it is to short. perhaps a dev could allow 2 word searches and make the cut off at 2 letters?