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View Full Version : How to help with filters

04-16-2002, 12:49 PM
I'm helping BlueAdept with filters. His work got me thinking and I came up with some ideas.

ThanosOfTitan: Great additions. This helps alot, especially where you break mobs into catagories (such as giant/cov/tunare in the WL filters)

Any and all changes made will be added to the base filters I'm using and sent to BA to be verified.

If anyone else wants to help, one the best thiings you can to is make sure you have spawnlogs on, gzip the file and either mail it to BlueAdept or post a link to where it can be downloaded, etc.

Also. In your config file make sure you have:

SpawnFilterIsCaseSensitive 1 # use case sensitive matches on filters

some mobs matter if they have an upper case or not.

Also, the # is significant. I'm trying to get "full" names such as "A Brood Mother" versus "Brood Mother" for future updates/changes.

04-16-2002, 01:13 PM
Too bad we can't put some data in the filter alert section as to why a spawn is one we're searching on. xxx is for yyy quest and so on.

I'll post a few more of the CONF files I have but the ones I've posted so far are the ones with enough changes from the list Blue had posted to make it worth it.

Some of the Luclin zones are yet to be fully explored, would be nice to see some entries for these zones.s

04-16-2002, 01:32 PM
I've populated alot of the SoL zones based on spawnlog.txt files people have sent Blue and I already.

Can you upload yours? It looks like you may hunt in a lot of zones we do not. I have a command I run that extracts mob names and gives me a list that I populate into the filters files. This is why there are some names that are not worth mentioning. I just don't know waht they are but they caught my eye.

Being able to add a "Note" to the end of the line that would get displayed when you put your mouse on it would be great though.

04-16-2002, 02:42 PM
Let me see what I may have for Spawnlog.txt. Most of my alterations have been on the fly while I'm hunting in the zone.

"AFK, need to update my filters"
"Huh? What does he mean by that?"

04-16-2002, 03:05 PM
Know the feeling. Do alot of that also as I see them running but I go through the spanwlog nightly to make sure I get the name correct as well. Nothing worse than finding out too late you misspelled Gore's name in Dreadlands.

04-17-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by ThanosOfTitan
Too bad we can't put some data in the filter alert section as to why a spawn is one we're searching on. xxx is for yyy quest and so on.

Well you could add a comment. It wouldnt be shown unless you edit the file. Just an idea...it would look something like this.

Name:Ancient Cyclops \*Ring used in the Journeyman's boot quest *\
Name:Dunedigger \* drops a nice shield *\

It should work, but I havent tried it yet.

One more thing. I dont know if they ever got the spawns with the # to work. Let me know if you do hear an alert for a mob with a # in front of it.
If they dont work, try \# instead.

04-19-2002, 11:28 AM
They've been working for me as just:

Name:#Unusual Rare

No problems so far.

04-24-2002, 05:00 AM
Easiest way I got around that in case a mob is "A <something>" or "The <something>" or "#<something>" and you aren't 100% sure of it (or Verant changes it) was to do this:

Name:.*[aA]ncient [cC]yclops

That way whether they change it's name to lower case or add a "#" or anything else to the front of it, the spawn will still be found.

