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04-20-2002, 01:02 PM
Can people copy their spawnlog.txt and zip it, then send it to BlueAdept? don't think anyone has sent him one. With these we can build out a population of "important" mobs.

Thanos, I'm also collecting a list of "known mobs in the zone" broken down by zone. If you have the time I can send you these which you might go through and do a "oh yeah, this is important" and update the filters file as well.


04-20-2002, 03:06 PM
Your correct. I havent gotten any spawnlogs from anyone yet.

If anyone is willing to do so, you can zip them up and send them to me. I know I can get files that are at least 5 megs.

Please zip/tgz them up first. Also do not name them spawnlog.zip. Make up a name or something so my email program doesnt overwrite someone elses with the same name.

Mail them to [email protected]

04-22-2002, 12:56 PM
If we could get spawnlog files from alot of different people we'd fill out the filters alot faster. I can rip mob names out of these pretty quickly.

If you are concerned, your name does not appear in the file such as:

#This is L33t's spawnlog file

or anything. If you're overly paranoid (which I completely understand), execute this:

grep -iv <username> spawnlog.txt > newspawnlog.txt

if you have a second character do a:

grep -iv <username2> newspawnlog.txt > newspawnlog.txt.2

and repeat (change the last filename each time).

When you are done, send in the last file. This will remove your name (even users's warder) from the file so you dont have to worry.

Another note, your server name is NOT in this anywhere in this file.

I've only gotten about 3 updates in the last weekend since my traveling is limited, so I'm going to wait before I upload those.

05-09-2002, 03:41 AM
My spawnlog file is quite large - 13Mb after compression (gzip). Verify that the above email address can handle that file size, or tell me where to ftp it and it's yours.

05-09-2002, 07:47 AM
[email protected] should be able to handle that much. I sent an 8 meg file to myself and it worked, but I havent tried anything over 10 megs.

Send it to me and Ill let you know if I get it.

05-09-2002, 12:43 PM
Very nice looking forward to pulling it apart. :cool:

05-10-2002, 11:36 PM
Went to turn on my spawn logging. Found out it was already one. Checked the size of my file. 2.2gig.

Trucated it a bit and zipped it up just for you. :D

05-10-2002, 11:52 PM
Hehe...2.2 gigs? Is that all? :) Just put it as an attachment in the message board :D

If you are serious about sending it to me, I do have an email address that should be able to handle that size of a file. Email me at the [email protected] and Ill give you my private email address. Might also be able to get you ftp access to a place to upload it.

Currently Im testing a 17.8 meg attachment to the gmx.net email address...See if it chokes on it or not.

05-11-2002, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by BlueAdept
Currently Im testing a 17.8 meg attachment to the gmx.net email address...See if it chokes on it or not.

It barfed on the 17.8 meg file...I think it was the server that I sent from that choked on it. When I get home tonight, Ill try to do it from a different server to gmx.

05-12-2002, 08:42 PM
BA, the maximum mailsize your service will allow is 9Mb, according to the rejected headers I got. I'll split the file down and resend it.

05-13-2002, 07:20 AM
Thanks...Ill be looking for it.

05-13-2002, 09:16 AM
I keep meaning to send mine over Blue, will try to break it out this week.

05-13-2002, 04:41 PM
I got 2 from BA. It added a few mobs we haven't seen but nothing big. We have alot of the major zones covered (everything from Crushbone to Oasis, to Omen, DL, Karnors, etc... ) where "everyone hunts".

We really need the oddballs. Places people go and hang out to get away from the idiots.

I'm also trying to clean up the actual structure a bit such as having mobs broken down by Hunt/Danger etc and rares who don't fit either catagory in Alert.

Some mobs thar are "special" like Quil, AC and some rare epic mobs will likely be in multiple catagories.

I'm hitting alot of mobs I don't know or know their importance at this point though. If you have a correction, post it.

05-14-2002, 02:44 PM
Post a list of the zones you need spawnlog info for and I'll park some scouts there...

05-15-2002, 01:59 AM

Let me know if you need any zones camped for more spawn info

05-15-2002, 11:36 AM
We need any zone that has a mob we don't know about, which is very likely all zones now. Just got the Chancelor in Omen the otherday. Don't spend much time there.

A good way to upload the really large files is with split.

Do this:

split -b 70m spawnlog.txt spawn

That will create files named spawnxaa, spawnxab, etc in 100Meg increments. Then do a "bzip2 -9 spawnx*" to compress the files. Once you do that just send BA an email with the files as attachements, I can put them back together.

This'll be alot of mails for the 2.2giger but it'll be well worth it most likely.

Mr. Suspicious
05-21-2002, 04:32 AM
Send off my spawnlog to [email protected] aswell.