We have seen that it was level 55+ mobs that gave considerably more real XP to a level 60 character than level 54 and lower.
You say 56+ for AAXP at 60, was that a slip-up or have you tested it...
Type: Posts; User: Junu Peeth
We have seen that it was level 55+ mobs that gave considerably more real XP to a level 60 character than level 54 and lower.
You say 56+ for AAXP at 60, was that a slip-up or have you tested it...
No confirmation yet about AAXP. We need data.
What this means is that when you (as a level 60 character) killed, for example, a level 52 mob you may have gotten 270,400 XP before the patch. Now (post 6/9 patch) when you, as the same level 60...
A ZEM list is something that will collated as a by-product of the thread I started to gather data to find the new XP system for lvl 51 to 60 characters.
I do hope the community will help out...
Thanks for the info Tanarin but as Cyronic said, what we really need are numbers to crunch.
Your data certainly does fit with our line of reasoning, but to find the Modifiers that apply to each...
Aye, I have done away with the Mul2 and Mul3 separate values as they no longer fall into a distinguishable pattern. After we have all the MLM tables then we may have time to discover why the tables...
Many people probably haven't been following every post that is in this thread: Exp STILL NERFED after September 6 patch...
I want to address each entry of hhh on its own.
Lvl 39 ; 5389XP
I have no idea how this fits into the progression at this point in time, it seems like a very low value for XP.
Lvl 41 ;...
The reason why the ZEM for all of hhh's other kills was 80:
Firstly, hhh revealed to me in a personal message that his level 60 character is a 10/11 and his level 56 character is a 10/10.
As far as we can tell the amount of XP needed to ding in each level has NOT CHANGED.
What has changed is how much XP is given to you now for killing the same mobs as pre-patch. IE when you are lvl...
The ZEM he has used for every other post and for the first series of data in his last post was 80.
Looking at the two pieces of data now for lvl 51 mobs:
80 * x = 310,351
y * x = 290,954
SwedishChef, I couldn't find where he stated his Class/Race/ZEM (I start these posts too late at night usually). If that was the correct ones you stated just tell me and I will change it.
To find the class/race multiplier I have been using the two drop down menus on the page that Ratt originally linked to: (I hope it is correct)
Collecting data...
Using the data above (although it is suspect) I have tried to find a combination of multipliers which fit the data.
In each table the first colum is the XP adjusted for race class and XEM, we are...
LOL, that would make things fit very nicely if it were the case yes.
Aye, it does look that way and I hope it bears out to be true.
I am resubmitting the tables that hhh has posted after...
Even a simplified script which sounded a warning chime when an opponent becomes visible that wasn't there before would be useful. IE. you hear the warning sound and if you can't see the perp in front...
165000 = 50 * 50 * 1.1 * ZEM * 0.75 * 1 *1
165000 = 2062.5 * XEM
ZEM = 80
So for a lvl 56:
Lvl XP TotMul XEM Mul1 Mul2 Mul3 Calc XP XP Diff...
Lvl XP TotMul XEM Mul1 Mul2 Mul3 Calc XP XP Diff
42 102204 57.939 95 0.8 0.953 0.8 102,210.4 -6.39
43 134064 72.506 95 0.8 0.954 1 134,059.9 4.10
44 140524 72.585 95 0.8 0.955 1 140,514.9 9.12...
A question I have that arises from hhh's data (even though the data itself is invalid) is what is the multiplier for light blue mobs now?
Do blues and lt blues act the same, XP-wise, in that they...
Agreed DeltaHuey.
What is eventually needed is for a lvl 60 player to solo all mobs from the lowest lt blue up to as far as they can go (obviously it gets hard to solo a white con and up), a lvl...
I understand your explanation now.
Yep, I was referring to the usefulness(or lack of) the tick amount sent to the client as an intermediate update when a mob is killed. It is relatively useless.
As you stated actual XP for a kill...
I wouldn't say that it doesn't exist either. There have been reports of some people finding lvl 60 mobs that are soloable that are giving very nice XP but there aren't roo many of them in one spot...
I believe you didn't find a theory, you only solved for a variable by assuming that another variable was a constant. I am not taking that away from you as no one had done it previously and I am beng...
I was confused by you showing serverXP on a per mob basis when it is more likely that it is stored server side as a cumulative total and the increase per mob is sent to the client as +n ticks. I...