Thank you
Type: Posts; User: Loki
Thank you
Okay... I tried that and it did not detect the named. But since I reverted back to the original, it detects the named but it is not detecting the mobs with "Race: Scalewrought Monitor" anymore. So I...
Got a tiny problem with Chamber of Puissance zone. There is a named that is being correctly filtered with "<oldfilter><regex>Name:.*scalewrought monitor"</regex></oldfilter>. But there are also mobs...
Thanks again!
Thanks Newby!
Created filters for TOB Hunters if anyone wants.
Still working great. I like the new add filter option. No longer have to use keyboard - just click click click and done! Nice job.
Thanks! It is working. RC2 with y/x have been working great also during last night raids, with two instances running (one via console and other via remote desktop on same Debian box) and two EQ...
I will give that a shot tomorrow! Thank you.
As for Dist sorting, I am using QT 5.X (not sure the decimal point) I just tried it again, it doesn't seem to sort the Dist at all but it does with...
I don't recall this issue in 6.3 but NRO is way off on default zoom level. The whole zone is like 1/8 of the viewable area. Sort by Dist doesn't seem to be working.
Ew Wayland.
I've been using QT5 for almost a year with 6.3 and haven't had a single issue. It came default with Debian Bookworm.
During my 2 hours session last night, it was good, it seems more responsive than 6.3 - i will have to alternate between 6.3 and 6.4 to see the difference. CPU was doing anywhere from 5% to 30% -...
Nice - just got it running.
Thank you newby.
Download last month (January's) tarball if you haven't (otherwise just do make clean) then patch -p0 < ../diffs-XXXXXX.txt
Thank you newby! There was an issue loading maps for the missions zones. I saw it said something like herosforge_mission.sp on console. Not sure if that second patch you posted would fix that but...
I can't say for P99 or Quarm or anything that Daybreak does not control but I can say any Daybreak official TLP server will work fine with SEQ.
Thanks fellas
A Drachnid Retainer is spelled wrong in Crystal Caverms: Fragment of Fear (crystalshard) - missing an h.
Not sure if you guys want me to post errors.
This named, Illdaera's Tear, is not being filtered right. I'm guessing its because of the '. I prefer them to be under Caution myself.
Actually i looked at the logs - it's using `...
This patch is great. Bascially fixed my performance issues I'm having with ShowEQ6. Not quite there yet but it's so much better.
Yeah I suppose it's too late now.
Why not get and domains (can't believe they're still available) and seperate from ShowEQ? Am I missing something here?
Well glad one of my posts is useful on this forum. :) Could also do make clean instead of make distclean and ./configure.