Make sure you are running straight and don't apply any of the edits people have posted here for the current US eqlive servers. You guys are currently running a patch behind (which so far...
Type: Posts; User: Zaphod
Make sure you are running straight and don't apply any of the edits people have posted here for the current US eqlive servers. You guys are currently running a patch behind (which so far...
Actually, what I believe they are looking for is the "Clear Spawn Points" menu pick that is available on the context menu brought up by right clicking in the "Spawn Point List". That option will...
Heh, I didn't think they'd be ready this early in the month...
Bad SOE, no biscuit.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
The duplicate accelerators is in fact a bug. Only one of them will work (not sure which one). I'll try to fix that.
I'll double check, but I'd tested that. I could have missed a border...
I just wish Ratt could make it so that I could edit the ShowEQ status myself. Currently he's the only one that can edit it.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
There is now both global and zone specific filters. And "Filter" => "Reload Filters" is related to the global filter and therefore completely unrelated to the current zone. The global filter...
If you got those make errors, then you don't have applied. Furthermore, this problem is unrelated to the problem discussed in this thread, so I've moved it to its own.
Hello all, and welcome to patch day...
First things first, the EQLive patch changed a bunch of opcodes and requires a new decode.cpp. I've attached the new decode.cpp to help people with the...
More like, if you can't beat them, buy them.
And in SCO's case, if you still can't beat them, commit commercial suicide by trying to litigate a fraudulent and unwinable case against IBM.
A nice cheap Netgear hub should work nicely.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
We now get and display the actual ZEM values upon zoning in the terminal window. The experience window hasn't been updated to use this ZEM value yet, mostly because it would require changing a bunch...
Technically you've been able to just run ShowEQ setuid for a long time now. If you make showeq setuid it will run as root only as long as is necessary to open the interface. Although you will have...
Actually my attempt at a long-term fix is very much related to that bit of severely malformed code. The problem is that the code in question doesn't do what the author intended (to eliminate only...
There was support. At some point before I got involved it got broken. A possible fix has been made and will be included in my next CVS commit.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
See what happens without BA's filter files. They may need to be tweaked to work efficiently with the new global/zone filter stuff, since common stuff should only really be in the global filter now....
Could you please include further details, such as the full output of 'showeq -V', 'cat /proc/meminfo', and 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'. Also, what zone is this, are you using a map that comes with the...
Upgradings probably good, but it doesn't mean that Qt 3.0.5 support is going away. Just that my current development machine is a stock RH 9 install which comes with Qt 3.1.1. When I heard people...
First, this should go in either the ShowEQ General Discussion or ShowEQ Development Forum forums.
Second, the zones.h didn't change in this release.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
Yeah, talk about ideas that can go really, really, wrong...
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
That is correct, because you actually need the patch I mentioned above. A patch which is actually verified to fix RH8. What ksmith mentioned won't work for RH 8 by itself. So, do yourself a favor...
Apply the patch that I posted here. It should fix your problems.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
P.S. I'd still like to know what Linux distribution and version you are using.
CVS commit of ShowEQ, works with 10/09/03 EQLive and fixes compile errors with 4.3.17 that occurred on some versions of some Linux distributions.
I've attached the patch to bring...
Could you please provide details about your distro, compiler, and glibc?
Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
No surprise there. We'll deal with it when it approaches live...
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
CVS commit of ShowEQ 4.3.17, works with 10/09/03 EQ Live.
NOTE: As of the 10/09/03 EQ patch you must use eqstr_us.txt for formatted strings (instead of eqstr_en.txt).
NOTE: As of the...