These are currently working for Live:
Will be a patch coming either this Wednesday or next week though to...
Type: Posts; User: Hidron
These are currently working for Live:
Will be a patch coming either this Wednesday or next week though to...
Looks like the same thing I am using now, but I have 1 addition. This identifies the Spell Research Table in Plane of Knowledge:
IT11540_ACTORDEF=Spell Research Table
It has always been detectable, but I have never heard of anyone being banned for using it.
July offsets should still be working
Believe there is a patch scheduled for Wednesday though.
Not sure what you need an update for. The offsets posted on May 15th are still working.
I just stuck with the old values. Only did a brief test, but a dropped item did show.
Thanks. That took care of ground spawns.
btw, it appears ground spawns are broken
I adjusted it by the same amount as the class offset change, and it seems to work. RaceOffset=0x0fd4
Nothing posted yet. Hopefully soon.
Filters was one of the features that was mentioned as being worked on after the original 64-bit conversion 2 years ago, but nothing further was ever posted or released. Scroll down this thread to...
Those #'s you are seeing is what you will get using the 32-bit server program with 64-bit offsets.
You need to download the version as it is currently the only source for the 64-bit...
Looks ok. Everything still looked good after getting back in from 2nd patch.
Guessing this is broken already. Currently down for another update.
I changed ground items back to the settings from last month and they seem to be working.
It should work on any official server. Those values you see are what you get when trying to plug the 64-bit offsets into the old 32-bit server.
You can find the download link (sourceforge) at the...
Basics are working. Some of the secondary ones are not. (last name, pet owner, run speed, primary, secondary, possibly a couple others)
Have an idea you are trying to use the 32-bit server. The 64-bit one is now required.
Top link (sourceforge) from here
Looks like the same offsets posted in the other thread other than the TypeOffset which appears to have an 'S' added to the end on this post.
That is part of the problem people are having now. There is not currently a single download to get this running. You need to start with the old 2.5.0 download to get the support files. Then
The ones listed in the 3rd post down this thread currently work
No idea what the ClientHash & BuildString...
Was a hotfix sometime this afternoon.
Try it without the -
Are you sure you are in debug mode? It looks like a command prompt window, rather than the normal graphical window you are used to seeing.
I enter debug mode through a 2nd shortcut. Just add the...
Unlocked about 90+ minutes ago, so yes.