My bad, I've been out of the loop so long. I had no idea there was a working client for Test.
Type: Posts; User: rogues
My bad, I've been out of the loop so long. I had no idea there was a working client for Test.
Well I guess we'll find out tonight, fingers crossed!
Time to put more money in the ieatacid machine :)
... and I crashed tonight. Line 800 in player.cpp was commented out.
Thanks, it's looking pretty good. I'm not sure if the changes from the last couple bugs fixed something I had wrong but now I get crashes in the baz too. Not a bit deal to me, just thought I'd...
I'm not crashing zoning into the bazaar but I did notice that I only picked up PCs within about 50 feet from my char. I do seem to pick up new chars anywhere in zone when they zone in. For some...
Looks pretty good, at least from a couple minutes of use. Will give more feedback later. Really wish I could help with these struct changes.
Ok, I have other PCs moving now but they aren't in the right location. I must have messed up one of the changes above regarding player x/y/z.
I reverted the playerselfpos structure back to what...
Heh, thought so. I think they're doing it to screw with us...
OP_GroundSpawn is now 56b2
I've applied the changes but I don't know if I've applied them correctly. Are you saying to change the x/y/z coordinates in every location that they show up in everquest.h? I've changed...
Just got home a bit ago, got a chance to try to fix some opcodes. Looks like they messed with the x,y,z coordinates again. Hopefully it's not as bad as last time. Will try to post the opcodes I...
You need to change all the black lines to another color. I went through with emacs and changed all the blacks to grey (think to 128, 128, 128). You need to be careful about how you use the replace...
FYI, 47E3 (OP_ExpUpdate) seems to be causing a segfault on at least one of my toons. Lower level toon it handled fine but it crashed with a level 100.
I'm pretty sure ground spawns aren't despawning. I won't have a chance to look at it today but will try to help hunting down some of these things tomorrow.
Again, Merry Christmas. :cool: On behalf of everybody, we appreciate it. That was way beyond me. Hopefully Sony sticks to screwing with opcodes.
Nevermind, I got it working I think. I had done some... I don't want to explain, the latest svn I was grabbing didn't have the right stuff to do a ./configure so I had put things together on my own...
Thanks! I applied the diffs, no errors and a cursory check seems to indicate that the diffs took, but skittles seem to be way off for the most part. It's likely I messed up on some step or missed...
Thanks! I might be patching it wrong but I didn't get any errors. I think the PC's are way off in my compile, they're spawning way to the north. Is that to be expected at this point?
Probably with VMware player and Ubuntu 12. The NIC would have to be in bridged mode I think.
Thanks so much!
I applied the changes but they don't seem to have made changes. I may have screwed up something somewhere else in all the messing around. Did they work for you, fransick?
Thanks. If I get some time this weekend maybe I'll play around with it. I'd be tempted to see if there's a way to turn off reading the deltas competely. Then maybe you could turn them back on one...
Ok, the reason I asked is because it sounds like the x,y, and z info is right but the NPC, PC locations are only picked up if they move. I would have thought if the x, y and z were ok in the...
Question about the difference between the x,y, and z values and their deltas. If the x,y, z values are correct then I assume that it's a combination of that and their deltas that gives the initial...
Hang in there guys, it's coming along. Appreciate the hard work, you guys have gone way beyond what I'm capable of. Any way to get r6 on the bat phone?
I tried for a few hours the other night, fransick, but decided it was way beyond me for the same reasons they were beyond you, and you're way ahead of me on these. Sorry :(