[File Info]
PatchDate=01/18/2023 Live
ClientHash=9d478ddfb0969f62571929c3c15172cc15b2839 f
BuildString=Release Client #630 20:03:35 Dec 7 2022
Type: Posts; User: sinis60
[File Info]
PatchDate=01/18/2023 Live
ClientHash=9d478ddfb0969f62571929c3c15172cc15b2839 f
BuildString=Release Client #630 20:03:35 Dec 7 2022
I didn't do that before the patch hit which is why I couldn't get them. I'm going to use a fishing pole in main and a torch in offhand. That should be something available in all eras, all classes,...
I updated the CharInfo offset. I think the other one was causing 2 of me to show up in the list.
I'm very new to this, so it's a work in progress.
I was unable to get the weapon offsets, but I think I got everything else:
[File Info]
PatchDate=09/21/2022 Live
[Memory Offsets]
My first time looking for offsets. This appears to be working for me.
[File Info]
[Memory Offsets]
# pinstZoneAddr_x