Take a look at the date modified on the link you downloaded from. It's 2/20/2021, not 2022. The file you're looking for is at the bottom of the list labeled as, "showeq_x64_3_0_0.zip". Located at...
Type: Posts; User: Insedeel
Take a look at the date modified on the link you downloaded from. It's 2/20/2021, not 2022. The file you're looking for is at the bottom of the list labeled as, "showeq_x64_3_0_0.zip". Located at...
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!! =D
Thanks for the test offsets. Anyone have the current test ones?
That was awesome quick. Thanks!
Thank you!
Thank you! Anyone have the most current test offsets? hehe =D
I've found based on http://www.showeq.net/forums/showthread.php?6067-Locating-Offsets-for-MySEQ-Server-Version-1-20 where it states to be true every time I've tried to find my own. Just try setting...
For my very first actual contribution to providing offsets. I finally had a successful attempt at finding my own. :D It doesn't have everything, but it does have spawn list, levels, names, and...
Pretty please? Anyone? I've tried following all the guides to find them myself, but I can't ever seem to get it right and can't figure out how to get the correct offsets.
Anyone able to post the test server offsets? Thanks as usual to those that get these every patch! Appreciate it!
Awesome! Thanks for writing this up.
Thanks again for continuing to provide Test Server offsets!
Thank you!!! =D
I'm in the same boat. Still haven't figured out why I can't seem to get correct offsets even though I follow the guide. Appreciate the test server offsets we've received recently, but would...
OMG you are aewsome. Just got back to the game a little while ago, and thought I would not be able to use MYSEQ on the test server cuz noone would find the offsets, but I was wrong. THANK YOU!