thank you both for your support, the post wasn't meant to mean anything other than exactly what the title said, hence the message body simply being "nt".
It makes establishing the current status...
Type: Posts; User: serberus
thank you both for your support, the post wasn't meant to mean anything other than exactly what the title said, hence the message body simply being "nt".
It makes establishing the current status...
There is a counter just above the spawn list itself, if you had the "NPC" category selected that would let you know how many mobs were left (including pets and traps etc.)
Not what you want, but a...
I'd like to have the spawnlist just display the current players in the zone and the mobs i'm hunting, filtered by name and level range.
I can't think of a way to show both PC's and specific NPC's,...
correct me if i'm wrong, but shouldn't this be a relatively "simple" thing to do now?
By that I mean, shouldn't a huge number of people be able to use a simple memory sniffer with the appropriate...
ShowEQ is broken as of the 26/08/03 patch. It doesn't recognise what zone you are in and the player entity is way off to the side making it zoom out by a huge amount.
There are "unknown" spawns...
Due to the fact that assembly is very low level does that make it inherently simple?
Is it something that can be learned easily and is essentially quite basic and just requires a dictionary of...
This is for my own reference really.
First line:
Plane of Tranquility,Potranquility,5000,5000
<long name>,<short name>,<length>,<width>
sorry, didn't even think to post at the EQW forums despite looking there for an answer, I find those forums are pretty dead and usually full of the hackersquest style of posters.
spamming the hell out of this thread.
One thing I didn't mention in the first post is that you can't change the priority on eqgame.exe once it has launched for the same reason you can't hook a...
thanks crush, already tried that, problem is you're starting eqw.exe with the start command so that has the low priority set which then launches eqgame.exe which starts with normal.
I just found a...
Notice this thread is getting views but no replies, can anyone else post and verify that they can't change the priority on eqgame?
Do most people do this? EQ is a total CPU hog and I always lower...
Can anyone tell me how I can get eqgame.exe (run through eqwindows) to run at a low/idle priority, I hate having it running at normal because it makes everything else run badly.
Thanks fee, thats good to hear.
I appreciate it.
Does session tracking actually track a session or does it just interpret the data from one EQ client and ignore the other?
E.g. I zone two characters simultaneously, and it'll switch to the...
so if they were to start compressing the unencryped packets in the same way as they compress the encrypted packets, would that make it possible to break the encryption?
I understand that you need...
You say the way ShowEQ decrypted the packet was to use existing static data as a reference, how is SEQ still able to tell my position and the position of 'unknown' spawns, along with being able to...
That works perfectly.
Thanks Madman
i'm not using an old version of showeq, I do regular CVS updates, I just checked the showeq.conf anyway.
Have anything constructive to add?
ShowEQ doesn't want to draw unknown spawns on the map (any maps), I can select an item from the spawn list and it will target it, it just isn't drawing the unknown spawns automatically, I have 'View...
thats great, thanks for the suggestions all.
I use UltraEdit myself for the hex editing but it never occured to me to use it for standard text editing.
Can anyone recommend a text editor for windows that is compatible with the linux cr/lf file format, I want to edit some files in SEQ and its a lot easier to do that on my windows desktop than my...
so the ultimate power levelling location has to be this method in the hole =)
25% ZEM
20% group exp modifier
thats some nice theory =)
what Cryonic said =)
they all need to be in the same zone, but out of range.
I'm pretty sure that you get the group experience modifier but I have no idea about the hybrid modifier. It'd be...
One thing I noticed a while ago, if your grouped, but your team member is out of range to get experience from the kill you just made - then you get full experience PLUS the group bonus.
This is...