Do you have something set under MAC address? Maybe also check your showeq.xml just to be sure there's not one sneaking in?
Asking because your earlier log snippet from post 5, and the log...
Type: Posts; User: cn187
Do you have something set under MAC address? Maybe also check your showeq.xml just to be sure there's not one sneaking in?
Asking because your earlier log snippet from post 5, and the log...
When you say "nothing shows in the console" I assume you mean zoning-related stuff... You're getting the messages about "listening for client on IP address", right? (and if you have debug enabled,...
So in once case, the player updates didn't work at all after zoning, but in the other, it worked for a while after zoning then suddenly stopped?
Name:.*scalewrought monitor:Race:
that should force the match to only the name field, instead of the name field and everything after.
I did some aura-related testing, and unfortunately I still haven't been able to reproduce it. Maybe it's a combination of auras and something else?
I zoned around a bit, and haven't been able to reproduce this.
If it's only happening sometimes, and everything else is working otherwise, then it sounds like a particular packet/opcode is getting...
Announcing the release of ShowEQ version 6.4.5. Special thanks to Newby for the patch.
This version is compatible with the Dec 5th release.
cn187 (12/05/24)
- Update...
Thanks Newby!
Sometimes switches implement mirroring in weird ways. For example, there was a user here whose switch didn't strip .1Q vlan tags off the mirrored traffic, and as a result, SEQ couldn't see it. He...
If it's not seeing the client, I would start by verifying (via tcpdump/wireshark) that 1) the SEQ host is seeing the traffic from the client host, 2) the traffic is seen on the expected interface,...
As an aside: your setcap isn't necessary if you're just going to run as root anyway. If you do the setcap, you should be able to run showeq as your user without sudo.
Regarding the capture...
Try running it with the env var
QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1. It will spew a lot, but there should (hopefully) be an error in there somewhere.
Announcing the release of ShowEQ version 6.4.4. Special thanks to Newby for the patch.
This version is compatible with the Dec 3rd release.
cn187 (12/03/24)
- Update to...
Thanks Newby!
Sounds like X isn't running. I think the latest versions of the OS run Wayland by default, so you if you haven't told it to use X, that might indeed be the case.
You might try
Thanks. That's what I had assumed based on the log snippet, but wanted to verify.
Basically, there was some non-EQ traffic that matched the capture filter, and one packet happened to look to SEQ...
Do you have session tracking turned on or off?
Thanks Newby for the patch. And thanks BA for doing the release. I've got a lot going on right now, but hopefully things will be back to normal soon and I'll be able to get back to SEQ stuff.
It's viable, and people do it. There have been a few posts about it in the past, particularly about P99 (but the general techniques should still be broadly applicable to other emu servers). So I'd...
FYI, "not broadcast and not multicast" is not an error - it's part of the pcap filter string. There are no errors in the log snippet you posted.
Xerces' response was on point - the most likely...
Not finding the sequence IDs means the stream can't get reassembled, and you get similar behavior to the packet dropping issues you were seeing before (stream can no longer be decoded, so the updates...
Announcing the release of ShowEQ version 6.4.1. Special thanks to Newby for the patch.
This version is compatible with the Sep 18th release.
cn187 (09/18/24)
- Update...
Thanks Newby!
It's clunky and bit awkward (and on my list of things to improve), but you can middle-click drag the map.
Welcome back.
If you run into further issues or have any questions, feel free to post.
If you run across any bugs, please report them. Feature requests are welcome (but no guarantees if they...