What the hell are you doing waving people off at 10,500? I personally don't wave off till 1,500...
Type: Posts; User: fee
What the hell are you doing waving people off at 10,500? I personally don't wave off till 1,500...
First understand Ethereal's default mechanism for disecting protocols is based largely on port numbers. You see port 7000, ethereal sees this as a standard port for gryphon. What you are looking at...
I have hesitated to discuss these changes on public forums untill now because I really really needed to see someone else self discover the inherit problems with SoE's new network code. What...
With the unfortunate growing complexities of running and maintaining showeq we need a better solution to keeping the user base informed and up-to-date. I have been pondering a wiki for showeq. If...
Honestly the work seems somewhat overkill to also sniff the loopback. Obviously you can't send the key to yourself either... so pick another IP in an existenting or non-existent ip...
I helped someone write a key sniffer for EQ under winex recently. He promised to release it once he cleaned up the code slightly.
Basically Linux provides this wonderful thing call /proc see...
ShowEQ does not transmit, end of story.
RH 8 is good to go out of the box. There is no need to mess with gcc or qt.
there are a handful of corruption issues that have been nailed out between 2.4.20 and 2.4.21pre-whatever.
I'm going on a hunch here, but a while back someone posted a "quick" fix to the qt3 performance problems. Did you apply this patch?
I recently patched in some code to fix the qt3...
I would recomend you stay the heck away from those redhat kernels. Don't really want to get into why here, but have a look at some of the things that get patched in.
I do recomend a vanila 2.4.21...
Quite possibly. That exploit was rather significant.
Hi Bob,
The brief explanation is, Linux (the kernel) contains a feature called Netfilter. Netfilter is a stateful packet inspector (this is a short description) The user-space command to...
I promise I'll get to it. If its not in my next commit please bug me about it :)
I promise I'll get to it. If it doesn't make my next commit please bug me with a private message.
A good place to start is with the Network->Log->All function. It will log all packets to the default file /usr/local/share/showeq/global.log This file contains the UDP payload of all packets to or...
The EQ client connects to the World Chat Server on port 9876. Not sure what capabilities your firewall has but here are a couple possible suggestions.
Destination Network Address Translation...
Yeah, I think Session Tracking got wacked somehow. Its on my to-do list. Look for a fix in the next week.
Recent changes to EQ have probably broken this automated feature. As an alternative you may copy the guilds2.dat file from your EQ client to your showeq directory(/usr/local/share/showeq/). Showeq...
Kinda sounds like ECN was enabled. Check it by 'cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn' or sysctl. ECN == Explicit Congestion Notification, Can cause mass histeria like you have described.
fee (floyd) 01/16/2003
ShowEQ 4.3.5
+ Applied mvern's patch to fix up the latest changes in the network code
WTG mvern for jumping on this and getting a patch...
(2003-01-14 14:04:19 - Project CVS Services) As of 2003-01-14, pserver-based CVS repository access and ViewCVS (web-based) CVS repository access have been taken offline as to stabilize CVS server...
crazy shit man, crazy shit...
You can use your distribution provided Qt packages IF they were compiled with gcc version 3.0+ AND you are using the same version of gcc to compile Showeq. I believe the most recent Mandrake and...