
Type: Posts; User: weasel

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  1. Thread: RedHat 7.2

    by weasel

    I have started to do some looking into going with...

    I have started to do some looking into going with a smaller OS like you meantioned. One thing i have wondered though.. with those being smaller.. how hard will it be to get the packages i need for...
  2. Thread: RedHat 7.2

    by weasel

    RedHat 7.2

    Got an old laptop to use now for linux/showeq.. Couple quick questions.

    My HD on the laptop is only 1.34gb. Is that enough to get it all on? I remember before from my attempts at VMware.. that...
  3. Replies

    no no no no no.... I took the hard drive i am...

    no no no no no....

    I took the hard drive i am using for the linux/showeq machine and hooked it into my main computer so i could install red hat onto it since my showeq/linux machine does not have...
  4. Replies

    Ok, i officially hate computers, tiny screws that...

    Ok, i officially hate computers, tiny screws that go in them, flahslights that die on you when trying to read the small info on the motherboard, and soda cans that are already empty when you pull...
  5. Replies

    Ok, guess i am going to give it a try then. I...

    Ok, guess i am going to give it a try then. I will just have to make sure to use my main puter to install red hat onto the other hard drive since i only have the one ribbon cable. I will let you...
  6. Replies

    hehe.. you posted gomped while i was posting.....

    hehe.. you posted gomped while i was posting.. missed the attachment =)
  7. Replies

    Well.. the laptop does have a USB port on it in...

    Well.. the laptop does have a USB port on it in the back.. so then assuming that i can get an ethernet card for the laptop, which i have done some research and doesn't seem too costly. Only problem...
  8. Replies

    Ok.. Min hardware questions

    Ok.. gave up on vmware.. just doesn't want to work for me.
    So, i guess i will need to get another puter.. COuple questions.

    My Current PC is a p3 1gig With WinXP, bout 1/2gig ram. It has a...
  9. Checking it out now.. thanks =) Question...

    Checking it out now.. thanks =)

    Question though.. would that still work since my DSL is on my host (winxp) and the linux is on the guest (VMWARE)?
  10. problem is i am stuck with what i have, and...

    problem is i am stuck with what i have, and cannot afford to go get any hardware routers or such, or i would just go get a new box to run linux. SO i need to do it all software wise
  11. Been checking around for more info, Read this...

    Been checking around for more info, Read this post made on another article..

    I have heard of people doing this, would this work ya think and if so what would you recommend? I know there are...
  12. Well, when i installed winxp, i checked the...

    Well, when i installed winxp, i checked the compatibility and cound that my enternet software would not work for connecting. I found a guide to make winxp do it for me. ...
  13. Ok, still need help

    I just did a complete fresh install of Windows XP. Dled and installed Vmware, did a red hat 7.2 guest OS.. Was able to get NAT networking to work fine, and installed show fine according to a guide on...
  14. i know that people have got it to work in vmware...

    i know that people have got it to work in vmware though.. can similiar be done on virtual pc?
  15. Please be gentle. Virtual PC with Red Hat 7.2, SEQ installed, need help with packets

    Well.. i know alot of people are not to thrilled with people using vmware or virtual pc to emulate linux for seq. Hey, if i had the money, or even thought i did, i would justr go buy a cheap second...
Results 1 to 15 of 15