RC2 with the earlier patch for X and Y was rock solid for a full night of raiding. I'll give QT6 a try on the devel branch too. It's fun testing all this new stuff out! Thanks Cn.
Type: Posts; User: fransick
RC2 with the earlier patch for X and Y was rock solid for a full night of raiding. I'll give QT6 a try on the devel branch too. It's fun testing all this new stuff out! Thanks Cn.
I built a Fedora40 machine over the weekend to start playing around with QT5 and 6. QT5.15.14 is exhibiting the sort behavior Loki is reporting. Clicking the column header will change the sort...
Hey, Cn. Not sure if you are looking for any testing but looks like some of the packetcapture work is not happy with my setup. Getting an immediate seg fault on launch. Managed to capture the...
Compiling now... will report back. Devel build has been rock solid for days at a time. I think I've had one seg fault during a multi-week run.
That worked. Thank you! I am toying with installing Qt5 on Centos7 but looks like I can put that off for a bit longer :)
I am seeing some guilds appear as a number in the spawnlist. All my old...
Hi, cn187.
Seeing the following backtrace when using the devel compile. Only snagged the last few lines as you can see it's 60k+ lines. Any idea what's going on here?
I stand corrected... sometimes the packet contains the zone ID other times it does not. The spam pictured in post #1 hits anytime someone zones into the palatial guild hall when I am there. The...
I believe I narrowed it to a problem with the GuildMemberUpdate struct.
/*000*/ uint32_t guildId; // guild id
/*004*/ uint8_t unknown004[4]; ...
True, this came from sitting new guild hall. GuildMemberList sounds like a logical culprit as it happens often enough while just sitting still that it seems to be triggered by someone else's...
Debug: Wed 3/15/2023 18:57:34 - ZoneMgr::zoneNameFromID: zone name not found: zoneId=33505
Debug: Wed 3/15/2023 19:02:35 - ZoneMgr::zoneNameFromID: zone name not found: zoneId=33505
Debug: Wed...
Patch looks pretty good so far. It saves terminal MessageFilterType much better than before. If I enable all it will mostly save that but for some reason drops the last 4 channels as being selected...
Everything looks good so far. Being able to drop straight eqmaps into the map directory is so convenient! One issue I am seeing that is minor but new. Seeing this spam the console:
Debug: ...
Okay, that is officially slick. Nice going cn!
What's the fastest way to convert a directory of maps that doesn't combine the layers. I think mapconvert script merges all the layers if I recall.
I think the sizing issue is caused by one of Brewall's layers being the coordinates to spell out the map legend. If you are in the guild lobby, for example, look at layer 2 and you'll see that layer...
Finally got around to investigating this issue. As best I can tell, changing Interface|Terminal|MessageTypeFilter settings and then Saving Preferences does not change the uint64 value in showeq.xml....
I'll grab some logs when back from holiday. No SEQ here :-(
When I manually patched on raid day, I had no issues. With SVN update maps are all resizing to miniscule size as I guess it's seeing some spawn way off the map and autosizing. Is anyone else having...
That is actually a typo but didn't have any appreciable effect on functionality. I did find some additional struct size changes with cn187's added opcodes. Is anyone else seeing auras read 4 bytes...
It's been a while but I dusted off my Sourceforge skillz and updated SVN and posted in ShowEQ News. Thanks, Newby and cn187!
Announcing the release of ShowEQ version 6.2.4. This version is compatible with the April 209th release. Special thanks to Newby for the patch.
fransick (04/20/22)
Seeing inconsistent behavior with the terminal MessageTypeFilter defaults and am wondering if my 20 year old showeq.xml preferences are out of whack. Each time I start ShowEQ the terminal...
You can turn it on under "Interface - Terminal - Display Time/Date" There's also a option to have it spit out EQ time but not sure how helpful that would be practically speaking.
I looked at this a while back and I recall seeing they made the packets all variable length with the length in the first octet. I messed with trying to make it work but it was over my head as far as...
If you right click on the map and choose Follow, is player checked? Mine is working fine