I don't play EQ anymore (no myseq or showeq for p99) but love to check the forums now and then, i love that you guys keep it going :)
Type: Posts; User: Roads
I don't play EQ anymore (no myseq or showeq for p99) but love to check the forums now and then, i love that you guys keep it going :)
makes sense :) thanks for keeping all this going BA
So, haven't played in a long time and decided to mess around on p99, i got seq 5.2.2 up and running and it sees data but i can't figure out opcodes (actually the write up says you need to edit 30...
I haven't used seq in a long time but just wanted to say think you for keeping it alive! Anytime i go back to eq for a bit i have to have seq :)
Ok.. so i went through 2 guides and compared my results to the current offsets and Whoop! think i got it all except spawnheader.. No matter which way i try i can't get a match for the current...
Thank you... i think i got a few of them but no levels or info on mobs.. not sure which one is for that? any ideas?
P.S. wow.. nevermind mine was wayWAY off.. surprised anything worked... any...
Thank you... i think i got a few of them but no levels or info on mobs.. not sure which one is for that? any ideas?
understandable.. i hate it myself :) I just did a search and saw the new convertor... and assumed :)
Well.. see there is the issue:) I am using windows and thought that was to replace the old VBS script :) I will convert them in linux later.. no big thing:) thank you for the reply though!
So.. i recently resetup myseq and used the original map converter with brewalls (the updated one doesn't do anything at all) I have maps in myseq but i could swear we used to have labels for like...
thanks, i need to learn to find my own :)
Thanks for doing this :)
I don't play eq often anymore.. but would miss myseq if it died :(
Than you Derple.. i really wish i could get the secondaries myself but can't figure it out :( BTW.. i just started on test a few days ago and the people are just amazing, i just wish it had alot more...
Ahh.. thank you for posting. i had at least 1 wrong at the top i just noticed 2 with the same address.. and your levels work.. any chance you could explain how you got levels? I couldn't figure it...
wow.. it has been too long since i tried to use what little brains i have :( So.. "Once that's done, LevelOffset is pretty easy to find, since you know your level, and you can get second- or...
Sorry, i meant to post back.. i used the built in offset finder in the server and it found me the Zoneaddr and from there i followed the instructions in the ini..(just cause i was in there at the...
So.. myseq stopped working on test server for me last night. i decided it was time to learn how to get offsets and here ya go.. Only thing i do't know how to do is secondaries and every mobs lvl...
So what do you do if you don't know any of the offsets to start with? On test the only offset that the normal server finds is the one that loads the map. When i try finding offsets following above...
ahh perfect! thank you so much.. i just started playing on test and the offsets changed today :)
No idea...i am bad at all this stuff:( I would like to find how to fix time remaining on spawns though.. mine always just shows a ascii square in the time area..
Working here rogues:) good work..
yeah i think its a matter of just not having the same exact starting file to patch to.. i copied the diff in kubuntu using chrome right into nano.. never touched a windows machine.. and im glad ba is...
yeah.. i manually edied them myself... I think the patch was made against a zoneopcodes file that wasn't from the last tarball. the codes that were being replaced int he diff file didnt match the...
root@bigjohn:~/trunk/conf# patch -p0 < ~/patch
patching file zoneopcodes.xml
Hunk #1 FAILED at 3.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 36.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 76.
Hunk #4 FAILED at 108.
Hunk #5 FAILED at 130.